4 Reasons Community is so Important

Dating back to the beginning of time people came together forming tribes to ensure survival.  We are past the days where a lion may have you for dinner but our instinctual need for a tribe is still strong. Here are four reasons why being a part of a community is so important

1. They are your best support system

When times are tough you know who you can turn to. When times are good you know who will be there alongside you. Relationship building, camaraderie, accountability, are all present in a community. These things are vital and allow not only the individual to thrive but the community to flourish as well.   

2.  Those around you will motivate and inspire you to reach your full potential

Your peers should not drag you down or  give you negative vibes. They are there to lift you up and assist you in being the best you can be.  They will talk out your ideas, give you the harsh feedback you may need to hear and be your biggest cheerleader.  You weren't meant to live a mediocre life, live to your fullest potential with the help of those around you.

4. Information is shared freely

Within a community those who have knowledge seek those who wish to learn and students seek teacgers. Knowledge sharing is a large piece of a tribes long term survival.  Within the support system  the more knowledgeable individuals you have the stronger the tribe, there is no scarcity mentality or information hoarding. The more in the know the better.

4.  Together we can change the world

It’s as simple as that.  When we work together we can create amazing things.  Alone, we can accomplish a little but together we can do so much good.  We can elevate the world to greatness.  It's all in the company you keep.

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