My First Month on Steemit (Has Been a Success!)

Dear Steemians,

    It has been exactly one month since my introduction post to this community, and I want to thank you all for your support. From the moment I signed up, I was itching, sweating, shaking to receive confirmation on my account's approval. The week that it took for my confirmation email to arrive felt like an entire year. But I must say, I have not been disappointed. It has been an absolute blast writing articles for Steemit, and sharing my creative journey with all of you.

Steemit is helping me to manifest my first eBook

    I feel as though Steemit has already had a markedly good impact on me. I've been making an earnest effort to deliver helpful content to Steemit's creative community, and in the process, found success and favor with my Art is Alchemy series (Posts 1, and 2.)

    I have always wanted to write a book for artists, and have even made several attempts, but never managed keep up the steam. Steemit seriously catalyzed this process, and the response from this community has motivated me to finish. Chapter 3 is on its way, and when that is finished, I'll have roughly 60% of the required material for a full-fledged eBook.

    As a "thank you" to this community, I'd like to offer this eBook as a free PDF for anyone on Steemit who joins my mailing list. I'm still trying to learn how opt-in forms are made, if anyone has any idea on how to go about that, please let me know! I will make a separate post announcing the eBook when I'm near completion and have the mail campaign setup, from which, hopefully, you can opt-in. Alternatively, you can send me a private message over Steemit with your email address.

I have met some very cool Steemians!

    In alphabetical order:

@caseygrimley is one of the first photographers I met on the platform. A photographer from Utah, he takes excellent landscape and lifestyle photographs, and is active in @photogames photography contests.

@circa1983 captures some invigorating landscape photographs that remind me of the aesthetic sensibilities of Tycho and his crew.

@derekkind From day one, Canadian landscape photographer Derek Kind has been absolutely kind to me (see what I did there, Derek :P) He has some absolute beauties, and this shot marks my very first resteem!

@fivealive55 captures stunning landscapes from across the American West. I want to be here so bad, it hurts..

@gamer00 Jaro was one of the first Steemians to embody the generous spirit of Steemit, helping me to get started by promoting some of my earliest posts!

@isabellemonisse Isabel shoots elegantly dark and beautiful photographs, many of which you can find on her Instagram and supported my efforts to post on developing one's artistic vision.

@jonathansippel I just met Jonathan of Ontario through a Discord chat just a couple days, and he creates thoughtful, interesting, and well written photo bios on the regular!

@keithboone Keith is such a kind man, very easy to engage with, and happens to be a well-rounded and talented photographer, as well as a genuinely supportive Steemian who has been reassuring my efforts on Steemit since day 1!

@mayasky makes beautiful art. She's a painter and printmaker, and just posted a drypoint tutorial today! I really want a copy of this...

@monicacope I always find it interesting when someone whose profession is more scientifically oriented is also ambitious about the arts. Monica, a doctor and digital artist, makes some beautiful collages. She has great taste. Check out her work!

@narchuk Did I mention Steemit has its own underwater photographer? I haven't interacted much with Andrey, because our work seems worlds apart, but his images from the ocean are absolutely stunning.

@ocrdu from the Netherlands immediately recognized my work when I posted my introduction. My first day on Steemit, and I meet this stranger from the other side of the world, telling me how he overheard two Dutch citizens were discussing my photography in a gallery. What a small world! I took this as a sign that my Steemit experience was going to be pretty cool.

@oen Mark has such a refined taste in visual art, craft, and design. Following his feed is a must. I trust him to please my senses. Is it any wonder that he's an equally great photographer? If that's not enough, go to his website and check out his ceramic work. Who needs food when the plate itself is already delicious?

@swerdan I didn't know any other created named John from Michigan, until I met Swerdan. He's an ambitious and active Steemian, and runs a successful YouTube channel :D He's planning on making short films soon, and that excites me. Get 'em, John!

@tysonjames is an awesome illustrator and, get this, a professional stop-motion animator. This is one of the first posts I saw on Steemit. From that moment on, I realized that there are some seriously cool creative talent on Steemit.

@vmoldo If you aren't following Vlad yet, you ought to. He is a great portrait photographer, with great aesthetic sensibility. I'll let his work do all the talking. Thanks for inviting me to your Discord, Vlad!

@zen-art Is a very kind, uplifting, and supportive Steemian. :) She has been following me since the beginning, and she regularly writes with emotional honesty and self-reflection.

    The list goes on and on.. and I've barely scratched the surface of this wonderful community. I wish I had all the time and energy in the world so that I could list everyone who reached out or inspired me on Steemit. I do recommend taking a moment to look through this list and follow those who you find interesting, because all of these Steemians bring great content to the table.

And a special thanks to @rodent (thank you, Jeremy!) for motivating me to join.

I Want All My Friends to Join Steemit..

Since I joined, I have been perstering all my artist friends to join as well:

    My friend and mentor Stephen Chow, an inspiring independent art collector, finally arrived on the platform a few weeks ago (@chowcollection.) I'm still waiting for his introductory post; he has so many interesting ideas and experiences to share. Stephen's dedication and independent studies in the arts and humanities are thrilling for me, so if I were you, I would follow his account just in case. ;)

    Today, my friend Lexie Takis (@lexietakisart) joined the platform after watching me have an amazing time interacting with this community. I've known her for years, and she's not only a genuinely good person, but an inspiration to me. She just started painting two years ago (feels like yesterday,) and is now making a living on her art. I've never seen a young artist hustle like she does. She is constantly finding new events to show her work at, packs her car to the ceiling with her supplies, and drives 20 minutes one way for the average show. This isn't a once a month thing, this is like three or four times a week. She has helped define my standards for a self-employed fine artist.

    I'm currently trying to get Greg Deady (@deeds355) onboard. He does have an account, but he hasn't made time to post his introductory yet. I really want to get him into my studio so I can take a portrait of him for his introduction! Greg is one of my favorite people to have a serious conversation about life with. Not serious as in "Greg, I have a problem with my family," but more like, "Greg, I have a problem with Hegel's aesthetic theories." The guy is not only a great artist who treats painting like a philosophical inquiry, but through our summer discussions at our local watering hole, he has helped inspire and define my opinions on the meaning of art. He does have a degree in philosophy, after all.

    He's also one generous dude! One of his paintings makes up the first serious piece in my budding art collection. I was celebrating it in the parking lot when, if I recall, I half-jokingly asked if I could have it. And then he just gave it to me. That was probably the most exciting day in summer 2017 for me. I spend a lot of time observing it under different lighting conditions, and enjoy building a relationship with the piece as it continues to make itself at home in my room. Here's a photograph of the painting:

Thank you all for making Steemit such a fun adventure!

Best regards,
John Dykstra

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