Lending a helping hand

Several weeks ago, my next door neighbor of 2 years, was devastated by a natural disaster, that destroyed half of his house. His name is Brian. He is a quiet and unassuming man. He is retired , after working at a local Sylvania Plant for many years. At 2 pm on an otherwise normal Tuesday afternoon, while he and his two year old granddaughter were sitting in the part of the house that actually got hit, A 60 foot tall Oak tree fell onto and crushed his house.
In days to follow, some friends and neighbors did pitch in and helped to cut up and remove the tree, but his house remains in shambles, and is unlivable. My son started a Go Fund Me Page for him, but as is normal, donations are slow in coming, though they have raised a few hundred dollars. I have started raising money through my business, and plan to run a raffle and fund raiser event sometime in August.
I have also pledged to donate to Brian, any and all proceeds that I can raise for him here on Steemit. Since Upvoting costs you absolutely ZERO, and since it is a noble cause, I thought that you might help us out by upvoting and reposting this, so that others might do the same. image
I see posts by Whales that have nearly ZERO WORTH, receive a hundred and fifty upvotes and Dozens of senseless comments. Why can’t a positive and noble minded post receive any real attention??
I’m asking for you to help Brian by making this post go Viral. This isn’t a contest, it isn’t a popularity contest, it isn’t a get rich scheme. What it is, is a cry for help that costs YOU NOTHING. Nothing more that a few seconds of your time to help promote this and all other posts concerning Brian’s efforts to rebuild his home. image
I’m not asking you to Donate anything, just simply help by promoting our efforts to help a fellow human being in need. He has no insurance, so it’s all up to us “Little People” not the Big Corporations to fix this. Can we do it??? Or are we truly that uncaring and worthless. What if we could do it? Wouldn’t that be a great step in the direction of freeing ourselves from the Big System, the Corporate Money Hrabbers, the Overreaching Big Banks, the oppressive Governments??? Since that was the Driving Force behind Cryptocurrency, why not help prove it out with this unselfish experiment?? Thanks for your time !! image

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