Steemit Community Tip of the Day: BE SHAMELESS!

If you want to find success within the Steemit community -- and life in general -- you need to be a little bit shameless!

Before I get into it, I want to go over a few caveats. By not being shameless, I don't mean troll or spam other accounts, or to engage in ruthless or unethical behavior.

Furthermore, I'm not talking about owning up to your faults and failures. To be a decent human being requires shame to teach us a better way forward.

What I'm referring to is an attitude...

Like an NFL quarterback, you have to put the bad misses behind you, and move on to the next play.

Steem Shamelessly!

For me, being shameless involves an attitude of not giving a damn what others think of me.

I will put out the best work I can. But I realize that no matter how much effort I put in to my work as a professional market analyst, I cannot please everyone.

In fact, in my line of work, I'm surprised if I can please a simple majority of the audience. People today are incredibly negative, and if you let their negativity bring you down, you will only limit your true potential.


Who cares what the critics say!? Maybe you're Steeming too much, or Steeming too few. At the end of the day, this is about YOUR account, and how YOU see fit.

So do what you want to do. Your true followers and admirers will appreciate that honesty and sincerity!

#tipoftheday #bullishmoney

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