A Complete Guide of Community Management for Web 3.0

Are you looking for a community manager (CM) for your next web 3.0 startup? Here you will find a complete guide to community management for web 3.0 startups. This guide is also for those who aspire to be a community managers.

Basic Understanding of the Community Manager Role:

As we know that community management for web 3.0 is to create an environment that encourages collaboration, inclusivity, transparency, and adaptability, and to have a strong understanding of the underlying technologies that enable it. By this, a community manager must understand the project technology, project mechanics, tokenomics, and should set up a plan for community engagement and development.

Community Management Plan

Like a roadmap is crucial for projects, the community management plan is a part and parcel to be a successful community manager for a web 3.0 project. Community management plans include the following:

  • user growth
  • Community engagement
  • event or activity design and hosting
  • community moderation
  • promotion and branding
  • partnerships and building creditability among the web 3.0
  • Creating an impactful impression.
    These targets will be achieved through different means. A community manager must be proficient with it.

User Growth and Retention Plan

User growth depends on how many NFTs will be released in genesis 1. It will decide how many paid users the project needs in the first release. And accordingly, CMs can target active users in socials (Discord, Telegram, Twitter, Reddit, Instagram, Facebook, Medium, or others).
In the next few months, when tokens are not launched, and NFTs are not released, CM can work on project branding and Community building, partnerships, and listing the projects at aggregators, accelerators, and guilds.

Language Proficiency:

Most of the projects in web 3.0 are built for the global community. CM should be wise enough to understand language, culture, and time barriers. CM needs to manage the moderators and community management team accordingly.

Ambassador Program for community growth

CMs can build a team of ambassadors. Ambassadors can be incentivized with tokens, NFTs, and training to moderate web 3.0 communities. In return, these ambassadors can help out in community growth, and moderation. For this, CM needs to design discord roles and keep upgrading the ambassadors with more permissions in discord. It is plausible to upgrade moderators from ambassadors.
Ambassadors will be sharing ideas. These ambassadors will have different roles and authorities in the discord community.
These ambassadors will suggest ideas on how to collaborate with partners and so on. By this, CM can create a force of loyal members. Who are willing to work for project development and user growth.
Ambassadors will be learning about web 3 and getting real-time experience with how blockchain projects work.

Partner with Reputable Projects

Start partnering with reliable projects. CM can host AMAs with partner projects. Partner with Web 3.0 Projects for User growth and Cross-Marketing.

Aggregators Partner

Start listing the project at DAPPS like DAPPlist and so on. CM should do some research work to find aggregators related to the project category. Finding accelerators related to the project can be helpful to attract some real users.
Explore the projects working on similar technologies and research them. Like how they do and what makes them successful and then try to incorporate the same trait to be next successful (It does not imply imitating it but to modify it). Let there be no reason left to make the project the next success story.

Community Moderation and Management

CM should be working for community moderation, educating the community, and being active in discord for a considerable time to make the socials more live and more accessible for users. CM should be updating the content and details in Discord and Telegram. Moreover, sharing announcements, keeping the categories, channels, and bots up-to-date, and making the operations more efficient should also be done efficiently.

Event Design and Hosting for User Retention

CM needs to design events according to the needs. Like meme-contests can be hosted where users can share funny things. Other events could be hosted like sharing short videos, gifs, etc. Then there are bots like gartic bots, rumble-royale bots, and so on.

Continuous SWOT Analysis

CM roles must include research work to check the present situation of the project. Need to update the strategies and working procedures as per the recent development of the project. Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats should be wisely kept in check. Over the months, CM should be working on these.

Promotion Partner/ To Empower Affiliate System

CM along with Marketing Manage can reach KOLs, Influencers, and Promoters work with them for marketing, collaborate with them for the registration of new members, offering them affiliates, the more registrations they list with, the more they can earn.
Bloggers, YouTubers, content creators, and streamers can help with user growth, listing, and generating more revenues. They can be instrumental in success.
A dedicated channel for content creators in discord can be set up.


Community managers need to develop skills that can make them good professionals in web 3.0. Communication and presentation for AMAs, analytical skills to understand tokenomics and its mechanics, technical skills to understand smart contracts and audit them, quick learning to understand the partner projects scope and deal with it, and social media management for user growth and retention are a few to mention that are imperative for a community manager. Startups need to consider these skills before shortlisting a candidate.

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