#ULOG 879 - Weekly Thoughts - 12-18 Nov 19 - Homesteading This Week...

Good Morning, Steemians! :D

Our weather this week has been all over the place, it was mild and snowy on Tuesday while the cow babies were eating their breakfast. :D

We had freezing rain and snow mixed in the afternoon/evening on Tuesday. :D

We woke up to sunshine on Wednesday. :D

My handsome husband put a fresh round bale in the feeder Wednesday morning after the rest of the chores were finished and it didn’t take our cow babies long to dig into it once they saw it. :D By the end of the day when we put them back into the barn for the night, they’d eaten their fill and weren’t in a rush to get into the barn, but as you can see, we got them away from the feeder and into the barn eventually. :D

The nights have been quite chilly but well-lit as the moon grew full too. :D

Thursday my handsome husband took our beautiful grand-puppy Mya for a drive into town to pick up our son and a bunch of frozen straw bales for us to use as the edges of our garden beds next spring. :D

Our handsome grand-puppy Shadow keeping an eye on things. :D

Our pretty piglets happily ate their breakfast feed while I broke up pumpkins for them. :D

More snow fell on our cow babies on Friday morning. :D

Our handsome boy Buddy is always the last one into the barn even though he knows we want him to g in between Leroy and Princess, but he doesn’t care, he likes being the last one in, silly boy. :D

The chickens got to enjoy some fresh air and treats yesterday once it warmed up in the afternoon. :D

My handsome husband and I took my car in for an alignment, a flex pipe replacement, and a safety inspection early this afternoon, but never got any of it done. :D After we’d dropped it off and left, the mechanic called to tell us that it wasn’t worth fixing, oh joy. :D When we got home, we decided to work on fixing the feeders for Buddy and Leroy in the barn. :D My handsome husband did a very nice job on them, in my opinion. :D

Hopefully Buddy and Leroy get all their wrestling out while they’re outside and leave their new feeders alone when they come in tonight. :D

Well that was our week here. How is/was yours? I hope you have had an awesome week! :D

Anyone else interested in a badge like this? Contact @daddykirbs for a custom badge of your own. :D Thank you to @zainenn for the GHSC footer as well. :D
(All photos taken by me or for me by my handsome husband on my Huawei P30 Lite.)

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