5 Polite Phrases That Will Disarm Rude People Instantly

By Fattima Mahdi Truth Theory

33954152_l.jpgWhen someone is rude to you, it can be hard not to get upset. Your initial reaction is often to make a cutting retort. However, if you resist the temptation to lose self-control and get angry, you will be able to respond to inappropriate comments without having to stoop to their level. Check out the five simple phrases that can instantly disarm rude people below:

“Thank you”

Saying “thank you” might sound like a simple gesture, but you will be surprised to find that it can quickly change the course of the conversation. “Thank you” is a phrase we often use to show appreciation, if you say it to someone who is being rude to you, it can show them that you’re not angry. Rude people enjoy when others get angry and become impolite back. If you bite your tongue and remain polite, it means that you acknowledge the person’s rudeness, and have chosen not to let their behaviour affect you.

“You’re right”

Most people have a hard time accepting someone else’s point of view. If there happens to be some truth in what the person is saying use this phrase and it will stop the person in their tracks. The conversation will be cut short and this means that there is less chance of the discussion developing into the argument.

“You’re hurting my feelings”

If you want to get through to the person, you might need to explain to them that they are hurting you. Sometimes this is the best way to let them know that you don’t like what they are saying and that it offends you. In some instances, they may not know how their words are affecting you, so if you speak up they may be able to correct their behaviour and apologise. Using this phrase could also protect you from inappropriate and rude remarks in the future.

“I think we should stop this conversation now”

Unfortunately, rude people don’t always care who they are hurting. If you make your feelings to them known and it doesn’t stop them, this phrase will. Using this phrase will signal to them that you no longer appreciate the conversation and that you don’t want to tolerate their rude behaviour. Hopefully, the other person will think twice about saying something offensive next time.

“You always have something negative to say, don’t you?”

This phrase can also help the other person to reassess their behaviour and think about the words that are coming out of their mouth. By drawing attention to the fact that they often have a negative response, you are highlighting their negative behaviour and this may help them to reconsider what they say in the future.

Image credit: kchung / 123RF Stock Photo

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