Love in the Divide, Thoughts on Alan Alda's Clear and Vivid

Love in the Divide

Thoughts on Alan Alda's Clear and Vivid

You probably didn't know this or you would have already told me, and if you did know this and didn't tell me ... why y'a gotta hog all the good stuff?

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Alan Alda is hosting a podcast on Itunes called Clear and Vivid. For some time now, I have had a bit of crush on the man from MASH. He excels in humour, intelligence, and insight, and his introductory episode with guest Sarah Silverman is rich in all three. Humor, intelligence, and insight are times'd two with Ms. Silverman?

They discuss how to find the love in the divide, that is how to find understanding and kind feeling for those you disagree with. The title of the episode is the Joy of Enjoying People You Don't Agree With.

You can listen HERE or on Itunes.

Dealing with Trolls, the right/left divide, the #metoo movement, and bigotry are all covered. The take home message for me was the importance of listening, asking the right questions, and being willing to allow the other person to change you, if only a little. Because if you only partake in debates and disagreements just so you can pass on your ideas to another, so they will think like you, so you can win ... you can pretty safely assume your fellow debater is doing the same.

Knock knock
Who's there
Two heads ... now would you leave me alone.
I have a terrible headache.

In our drive to change the world as we would have it, or I don't know ... keep it the way it is ... we get hung-up on changing the minds of others, but we tend to forget that is only half the recipe. We must also change behaviour, usually starting with our own. Communication skills are not inborn, they are learnt. Time to time, we could all use a refresher course. From my observations of Mr. Alda, he certainly has something to teach. I hope you all will tune it.

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