Without Covetousness

Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have: for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee. — Hebrews 13:5 (KJV)


The desire to selfishly acquire what others have and the competition for material things are vanity before God. It's not the way of Christ but the trick of the devil to keep man in the bondage of unsatisfactory desires. Today, God's speaking against that evil spirit driving men into pursuit of things instead of pursuing the ways of the cross. Here's a call for contentment. Here's a call for peace of mind even though things doesn't seem enough. Let Christ be our sufficiency. Let the assurance of God's presence empower us to seek first the kingdom and it's righteousness. Stop trying to figure out how God is gonna bring your miracles,just be calm and follow every divine instruction. Jesus Christ has not left you and He'll never do. He'll never forsake you,keep trust and obeying.

There's no other way than to trust and obey,Hallelujah! May the peace of God that brings fulfillment overwhelm you daily in Jesus's name. Amen. Much love.

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