Love And Communication, Contributed by @Olawalium


What is communication?

Communication is the imparting or exchanging of information by speaking, writing, or using some other medium

There is no denying the importance of communication in a relationship, (any kind of relationship for that matter.) For relationships to thrive, there is a need for the parties involved to communicate with each other. In a world where everything is left to assumptions, communication has been relegated, and that is why most relationships have issues.

Your partner wants you to be able to know everything that happens to them, without them saying it. It takes only a sensitive person to be able to know this. For someone that isn’t sensitive, such relationship can hit a rock bottom. Most of the time assumptions take the role of asking questions. We shouldn’t leave our relationships to chance if it actually means anything to us.


Recently, my long-term friend called me up to discuss the issue he is having in his relationship. Oh!. In case you don’t know, I give relationship advice too. (Unpaid public service announcement) hahaha. He told me all he is experiencing, and I happened to also know his fiance, so I called her up. From all I was able to gather from both of them, the lady feels there are some things the guy should know, without her telling him, and the guy feels there are some things he cannot know unless she speaks. Both are actually right.

In relationships, we have to let go of our desire to be right, only then can we be humble enough to get to the root of every issue. Yes, there are some things a guy needs to find out without being told. You have to know her favourite colour, you have to know the kind of movie she likes, you have to know whether she is an indoor person or not, you have to know what gets her angry and what excites her. You have to know these tiny details, without opening her mouth to even tell you. A little bit of extra attention wouldn’t hurt. When you love someone, you are consumed with everything that concerns them.

I have to admit also that, there are some things your partner can never know unless you tell them. They can’t know whether you have a headache, or your tummy hurts, especially when they are not with you. They can’t know whether you are hungry unless you open your mouth to speak. They can only sense through your voice (if they are the sensitive type like me), but they can’t put a finger as to what is actually wrong with you.


Communication is vital in any kind of relationship. When you notice something you don’t like, speak about it. When you notice something you like, speak about it. When your partner does something that gets you really excited, let him or her know. With that, your partner can be motivated to know what to do, so as to lift your mood, when a mood swing kicks in. We all have our down moments.

Communicate even your fears to each other. Everything that gets you worried, let it all out to your partner. Only then can you create a stronger bond, and communication would be with ceaseless flow.

I love communicating. I love knowing everything that is going on in my peoples' heads. Why wouldn’t I want to? I am a sensitive guy, and I know not everyone can be like me. However, with better communications, we are going to have more relationships getting better and stronger.

As for my friend, they have picked the date for introduction and the wedding. But now, it might have to be canceled, because the lady told me she is no longer interested and I can only blame it on poor communication between them. They have left so many issues unattended to or swept it all under the rug. It piled up so much, and now they are both at the breaking point. She had so many issues inside her, all she could do was cry, rather than let it out via communication.

This is just to re-emphasize the importance of communication in any kind of relationship. Mature minds talk about things, rather than run away from them. Every relationship has its challenging moments, but addressing the issue and both parties seeking for a common ground will lead to the resolution of problems. Much of the time, rather than address issues in a relationship, is to play the blame game. It won’t help, it would rather make issues worse. If the relationship or the person really matters to you, then you forsake your desire to be right. You leave room for better communication or dialogue, while you both find a common ground. In a relationship, you live and learn. We all have different backgrounds, so go easy, while you try to force your ways on the other. Make provisions for each other’s faults. Communicate, and you will see how easy things would get.

With better communication, respect comes.

Thank you for reading.


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