What is communal

The word 'communal' is mostly used as negative. In fact, all people are communal. Because the bias of the community is in everyone's favor. It's not faulty. But condemning other communities, taking away their rightful rights, and imposing their beliefs and customs on another community is bad. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said in the speech of Farewell Hajj that every community would get their own freedom of religion. Therefore, other religions also prohibited the worship of gods and goddesses. This is the absolute tolerance. That's logical behavior. And this is called secularism.

However, our society has only religious people who identify with religious beliefs. It's unreasonable. Rabi Thakur, Bankim, Vidyasagar, Sarat Chandra, each side of their respective communities. Because they had their feelings towards their community, but our Muslim poet's writers are less favoritism towards their community. In some cases it is self-destructive. Those who showed favoritism, they got communal status. Even Ahmad Chhapao But without a bankability, Robi Thakur, Vidyasagar, Sarat Chandra did not hear anybody communal.

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