Why Did This Happen?

If you know me, you know I love poking fun at others and laughing at how ridiculous the world around me is. However, this is not the time for that.

In case you don't know, I'm on Twitter (postparody1) and I met a guy under the username rizzydraws. He is a bisexual man living in a homophobic country, but, despite this, had optimism and a sense of humor that most of us have wished we had at one point or another in our lives. However, after posting a comic about wishing he could go to something like pride and being doxxed, he attempted to take his own life by ingesting household chemicals because the government (in Indonesia) was harassing him and his family.

There is a video going around of two people who are said to have doxxed Rizzy and recorded themselves while doing it. I don't know why these people would record themselves going into someone's Twitter while laughing, but I don't think they counted on some clever Internet users finding it.

Rizzy's last Tweets before going dark

Rizzy himself suffered kidney damage, a swollen liver, and had to have most of his intestinal tissue removed. Twitter user GamingandPandas has posted updates on the aftermath of Rizzy's doxxing. His parents are seeking legal recourse against the doxxer as well. For the next few months, he will only be able to drink water. Some people have claimed that his doxxers were SJWs, neo-Nazis, or edgy 4channers but whatever they are, they should be prosecuted to the furthest extent of their country's laws.

Doxxing people is bad enough, but it's even worse for someone in a homophobic country. If any LGBT Indonesians are on Steemit, I hope you guys stay safe and, if you so desire, are able to flee Indonesia. If you feel that is safe to do so, use #StandForRizzy and #SteemiansForRizzy to show your support. I want Rizzy to know that, once it's safe for him to go light again, people on multiple platforms and from multiple walks of life support him. Upvoting and resteeming won't hurt either.

UPDATE: A family member Tweeted about Rizzy's situation. This is the original text:
Assalamualaikum wrwb. Kepada semua yg telah membantu saudara kami Riz kami ingin mengucapkan terimakasih sebesar-besarnya.

Kami adalah keluarga besar Riz. Saat ini kondisi Riz sedang sehat walafiat. Semoga dia lekas sembuh. Amiin.

Google Translated from Indonesian to English:
Peace be upon you, and Allah mercy and blessings. To all who have helped our brother Riz we would like to say thank you as much as possible.

We are a big family of Riz. Riz condition is currently being healthy. May he recover quickly. Amiin.

Sources and Photos (DOA 6/17/17) :

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