Transracial vs Transgender (Not This Again)

What level of self-hatred do you need to be on to call yourself a different race because you have a different hair type, facial structure, and set of interests from what others think your race is?

Until the same evidence for transgender people comes out in support of transracial people, which I doubt it will, I won't think that transgender and transracial are the same. Transgender people have different brain structures than cis people. I doubt that is the case for so-called transracial people. While transgender people have a historical, scientific, and cultural basis for existence, transracial people have no such basis. This is why viewing and commenting on transgenderism Ben Shapiro-style falls short. Believe me, I used to think that trans people were trans for attention in the way that transracial people seem to be transracial.

Moreover, transracial people seem to be caricatures of the race and base their identity around that they identify as whereas transgender people have quite a range of appearances and personalities once you actually get around to interacting with transgender people. This particular transracial woman seems to be motivated by self-hatred compounded by the expectations of what black women should look and act like whereas, for a transgender person, they are motivated by the opposite. The ultimate genesis of the transition process starts from within one's self and is an act of self-love rather than hatred.

The only similarities between transgenderism and transracialism come from surface-level observation, but it's becoming more and more apparent that the two have roots and motivations that are actually more polar opposites than they are similar. Transgender people transition to escape gender dysphoria and face persecution during the process. On the other hand, transracialism is used to exploit controversy for attention or for profit. While I'm not exactly one to complain about so-called cultural appropriation, paying attention to transracialism is a disservice to all races and to transgender people because these people are used to argue against transgender transition.

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