Comment commitment: 32,500 by 31 December 2020

A couple days ago I had a chat with another user on the enjoyment we get from comment-threads on hive. You know, reading other people's posts and commenting back and forth in a conversation with them. We both agreed on the importance of it from the relationship-building perspective also.

People are always talking about reward on hive, meaning monetary reward however there are other types as well: Fun and humour, exchanging knowledge and wisdom, sharing with others, general conversation and the reward that comes from forming good relationships. All good benefits. It's these things that help keep me motivated here...So, I make comments. A lot of them.

The user mentioned above, @bashadow, said he was looking to hit 20,000 comments by the end of the year which is a lot of comments. This made me think about where I might situate currently, with my own comment-count. Over to HiveBuzz I went to check my stats - Something I haven't done for a long time.

It seems I've made about 26,649 comments. But here's the thing, it's not just about how many there are...It's all about what they were - How valuable they were to the other user!

Making loads of one word comments like thanks, yes, no, ok and the like, along with those inane nice post comments, will mean almost nothing in the grand scheme of things. I'm not saying comments need to be long, just that they need to have substance, be relevant and interesting; This is especially so if you're seeking to build relationships.

Good commenting opens relationships, ineffective commenting can close them. It's a simple concept.

What you do is your own business though, and I'm sure there's people out there thinking I'm a total idiot, and that's their prerogative. However I engage a lot and make comments so I can build my small account into a bigger one. That's my prerogative.

My comment commitment.

Based on that comment-conversation I had with bashadow I decided to make a commitment to commenting.

I felt that a target of 32,500 comments by 31 December 2020 was a reasonable target. So, that's 5,851 comments between now and then. It's 142 days so 41 comments a day. Seems achievable.

Tracking comments

I track my commenting by using the Engagement League run by @abh12345.

It's easy as Asher does all the work...Except the commenting; I do that part. The results come out on Sunday and I can compare my results against others. Where I sit in respect of others doesn't bother me though, I like the fact I can see how many comments I made, the character count and where my comments were placed.

I'm not a fan of commenting just to get up the top of the Engagement League though. It's pretty obvious when someone does that. I prefer commenting for a more valuable reward - Relationships. What's great though, is the ability to track one's progress each week and so I recommend the EL to everyone.

Back to my 32,500 comments

I don't know if I'll reach the target although when broken down to a weekly target of 294 comments it doesn't seem so difficult. Plus, having the Engagement League will mean I'll know if I'm lagging or in front of my goal.

If you want to check your own statistics just go to HiveBuzz and type your name in the top right. Also, if you feel like making a comment commitment just do the numbers in the same way I did and post them below, or do your own comment commitment post tagging #comment-commitment so I can find it. Link it below if you like too. Oh, and feel free to use the logo image above as well if you want too.

Also, ask Asher to join you into the Engagement League - Just make a comment asking to be included via that link back there. Just a note, only the top 100 engagers are included in the results, but because you're an engagement legend you'll make it right?

So engage, or not...It's completely your choice. If you choose to do so, and enjoy it as I do, then maybe set yourself a goal for the end of the year, track it and see how you go. It might give you something to aim at, and if you comment well and with consistency I can assure you that your account will grow with followers, and financially.

Good luck hive team.

Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default - Tomorrow isn't promised.

Be well
Discord: galenkp#9209

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