If you haven't joined with us yet, you should.

The Voluntaryist Suit Saga One campaign is here and over 100 percent funded!

We've already unlocked the first stretch goal and are CAREENING toward stretch goal No. 2 being unlocked for all backers at the print comic tier and higher.

If you've been frustrated with Marvel and D.C.'s butchering of every beloved character, now's the time to vote with your dollar and join in with those of us creating the new wave of alternative entertainment media.

There are tons of great ways to get involved, from comic books, to stickers, to art cards!

We even have a rare Origins II cover variant created by Rippaverse artist Igor Teixeira.

Join in during our second half and reap the bonus rewards as we reach new heights!

See you on Indiegogo,

~Pho ^^

Campaign link: https://igg.me/at/suitsaga

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