Carol Danvers’ Cameo and Scarlet Witch's and Quicksilver's Origin Story Part 2: Avengers Vol 1 #186 – August 1979

Avengers Vol 1 #186: "Nights of Wundagore!"

Avengers Vol 1 #186 – August 1979.jpg

I know that this issue is all about Scarlet Witch’s and Quicksilver’s origin story, but on the cover, we see all six Avengers. What is wrong with that number? There should be seven Avengers. The seventh Avengers who didn’t get her head placed on the cover is Ms. Marvel. That’s how unimportant she is to the team and probably to all of the creative team working on the comics.

The issue picks up where the last one left off. Quicksilver is in a cottage on Wundagore with the cow humanoid creature. Bova. She is an experiment by the High Evolutionary, a cow which he turned into human form and to an intelligent creature. She tells him his story as she knows it. She tells that one day a woman, Magda, who was pregnant came looking for a sanctuary on the mountain. The father of the children did not know she was pregnant for she was afraid of him. He had powers and he wanted to rule the world. She escaped to make sure his children will be untainted by his evil. Bova befriended Magda and later on helped her give birth to twins. Pietro and Wanda.

One day Magda disappeared and left a note that she does not want her husband to force the knowledge that she has children from her. In fact, the note implies that she killed herself. Bova took the children to the High Evolutionary who agreed to help.

The High Evolutionary called on two people who were visiting the village, Robert and Madeline Frank. Madeline was pregnant and the High Evolutionary wanted to make sure she will leave with three children. However, her child was stillborn. She too, died at birth. Robert did not want the twins and escaped.

Then the High Evolutionary decided to place the children in the hands of a gypsy tribe shaman, Django Maximoff. Django Maximoff and his wife were instructed to raise the children as their own. They agreed as their own children Ana and Mateo have passed away. Or the exact word was “lost” perhaps to be found again sometime in the future.

Quicksilver believes the story, yet has a hard time remembering it. Quicksilver wants to know more about his birthparents and Bova advice against it.

Then we switch to Modred and Scarlet Witch. Apparently, he has kidnapped her in the services of a demon. He just doesn’t understand that the demon is evil. However, where his magic is more powerful, her hex mutant powers change the probabilities in her favor, and she breaks her shackles. Then they get into a magical fight. But, after an impressive fight, the Scarlet Witch changes gear and decides to show Modred other ways of fighting. Basically, she punches him in the face. He still wins. Modred tells the Scarlet Witch that she was chosen at birth to be the vessel of Darkhold demon.

Now possessed Scarlet Witch threatens Quicksilver and Bova and tells them to leave, while almost bringing down a mountain on their heads. Then when Quicksilver escapes to get help, he finds Django Maximoff and the forest tries to kill them. Then burning stones fall on them from the sky. Still, Quicksilver reaches the post office alive and calls the Avengers mansion.

The Avengers themselves are eating around the table. Talking about Iron Man and the innocent person he killed and that is why he is not with them. Guess who is not a part of this conversation? That’s right Carol Danvers. She’s just there in the background.

Ms. Marvel's Only Word.jpg

Then Vision bursts in telling them that two members are in danger. Well, one member as Quicksilver is no longer part of the Avengers, but even androids forget things when they are in a hurry. Ms. Marvel has just one word in this entire issue “what?”. Hardy what one would call impressive.

Mr. Gyrich stops them while they are getting ready to leave. He has a few reasons why they shouldn’t go and he is their boss. But, Captain America disagrees with him and goes to make a phone call. To the commander-in-chief himself. Who, which to Mr. Gyrich’s disappointment, approves the mission.

Back on the other side of the world, possessed Scarlet Witch finds Quicksilver and Django and attacks them. The issue ends with Chthon telling unconscious Quicksilver and Django that Scarlet Witch’s soul in finally no longer inside her body.

This is an epic origin story for Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver Origin. We learn so much and yet there is room for more to be discovered. Even though this is Ms. Marvel’s forth issue as part of the Avengers, to me she doesn’t feel like part of the team. She doesn’t make any quippy banter, or get to use her influence as Carol Danvers, or just be part of the Avengers team when they are together for a few brief moments. I think I am not expecting that to change anytime soon.

#Comics #CarolDanvers #MsMarvel #Marvel #Avengers #Quicksilver #ScarletWitch

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