Hit-Girl, Volume 1: Colombia Review


Hit-Girl: the hyper-violent teen ninja “superhero” we saw kick ass with, erm, Kick-Ass in, er, Kick-Ass. Now she’s back doing what she does best: killing bad guys, this time in Colombia for no reason. Is there anything more to this book than that? Noooooooooooope. It’s just that uninspired!

Mark Millar can write blood-soaked and brainless but fun comics like Nemesis or even the first Hit-Girl book but he utterly fails to produce anything remotely entertaining with Hit-Girl in Colombia. The action is dull rubbish, the characters are one-dimensional nobodies and the paper-thin story is repetitive and boring.

Hit-Girl is never in any real danger at any point and she’s got no skin in the game so the stakes are exactly zero - oh the non-tension! There’s some drek about a mother after revenge for her dead son that was a feeble attempt at giving this nonsense some artificial purpose and it fell completely flat. The ending is too pat and unconvincing.

Don’t expect the interior art to look anything like Amy Reeder’s cool covers - Ricardo Lopez Ortiz’s art is scratchy, cheap anime-style drawing that was wholly unappealing and ugly.

Maybe Jeff Lemire’s take on the character in the next book - in where else but Canada, eh? - might be better unless it’s just more of the same that we got here. I’ll give Mindy this: she’s got good taste in comics. She’s a fan of Tom King’s Batman - and that’s what I’d recommend reading over Shit-Girl in Colombia.

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