Deadpool 2: they reveal the first official poster of the film and we really have to thank

With Deadpool the cinema of superheroes reached a creative, sarcastic and brutal level never before seen, opening the door for new forms and approaches in what film adaptation is concerned. For this reason, the world remains expectant before the long-awaited sequel that, in spite of certain inconveniences, continues advancing towards its premiere in May of next year.

And to keep us even more hooked Fox has decided to share with us a series of promotional images so great that we can not help but express our gratitude.

Referring to Thanksgiving, the tradition celebrated in November in the United States, Deadpool invites to dinner the most important characters of the sequel: Cable, Domino, Vanessa, Weasel, Negasonic Teenage Warhead, Al, Colossus, Dopinder and Stan Lee, of course (at least one of his paintings).

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