Weekly comic book pulls for June 13th.


So, here is a pic of the comics I bought that came out on Wednesday the 13th of June. For my weekly pull list, it was a rather large week! I think it was at about 49 books for the week. So lots more bought for my stack to read and collect than I'll probably ever get time to actually read haha.

I am guessing at this time of year I only get 18-25 books read each week, but usually pick up around 42 on average. My work and other activities keep me more busy than I'd like, but that is life in the real world. One of the many reasons i enjoy the mental escape of comic books. Some can be really deep and thought provoking, but most are just a fun way to get another viewpoint on the world for me. If i didn't decide to start putting more time and effort into learning the stock and crypto markets this year, I'd still be reading 35-45 books a week. But really, what person needs more than 4-5 hours of sleep each night!

I am going to start just posting a few thoughts on my buy stacks for the week and if something is really impressive to me, i may throw up a review. If anyone out there wants a specific synopsis or review on a book i read, leave a comment and I'll give my humble opinion on it. If you guys would like to see a list of each book in addition to a weekly picture showing the best covers, let me know and I'll work on that also. Posting is still new to me and I'm just going to trial and error my way through it until i get the hang of what works best.

I am heading to bed to get a few hours sleep before starting my Tuesday through Saturday work week, so I'll leave this post up and hope everyone out there had a great weekend and finds something in this coming week to enjoy about life!!

Thanks for your time
-- motogunslinger

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