Phill from GCHQ - page 68 - Message from Mr. P

Message from Mr. P - Page 68 of the cartoon about Phill from GCHQ - a free comic that I have been working on since September 2016.

Previous page: Phill from GCHQ - page 67 - Unicode

Introduction to this weeks page

In the previous page we learned that the main part of the code Phill received from another developer of Project Navelpillar, was made up from the hexadecimal numbers 80-8F. In this page the message is revealed. We also have a small peek into Phill's past. We know quite a lot about the other character's past. How Eileen got mixed up with Eleanor, Gwendolyn's grandmother, and for that reason we also know about Gwen's past. We know that Vincent Cavanaugh is presumed dead after the great tent fire of the Kilcumreragh Celtic Arts festival of 2011, and that he has been a wandering musician ever since. We know that Morty Mogg has a Ukrainian prostitute as a girlfriend, that he has been active in the noble art of HEMA (Historical European Martial Arts) and that his aunt in Swansea likes to watch gay porno.
We even know things about the secret MI6 operatives... But the history of the main character is almost a blank file.

I have of course let this be a mystery for a reason, and it is very much in harmony with the character. Secretive to the brink of paranoia, suffering from idiophobia - (a term I invented to cover a persons anxiety when other peoples private life is mentioned), and introvert in the extreme. It was obvious to keep his life a mystery. But that does not mean I have not had a very clear idea about how his youth and childhood played out, and interestingly enough one of the early readers and now the German translator of Phill must have had an idea too. Try to look at this old (in Steemit years) drawing by @shortcut:

It is entitled: "Phill's Mother"... ! See the old post here :)

Happy reading.


Thanks to some very dedicated and helpful people the comic about Phill from GCHQ can also be read in other languages. New pages are published on their respective Steemit pages. Please follow them and support their work!

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The comic is, like all my digital artworks, made exclusively with open source software:

The comic is licensed as

Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC-by)

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