Action Scene—MISSES Series Reveal

There's been a lot of concept art and design work presented so far in these MISS Reveal posts, and so I thought I would change it up just a bit and show you an action sequence I drew a couple of years ago as I envisioned a future story arc.

I probably don't need to continue to tell you I don't consider myself much of an artist, but I do like to draw and try to convey some kind of message or action. That's more or less what I've attempted to do here.

What's Happening?

I haven't written much about all the villains Team MISS will face, so to explain the scene, I need to introduce a character I haven't mentioned before whose name is disGuise. Her powers are fairly straightforward. She can become anyone or anything she chooses to be. There are different levels to this ability, which go from superficial changes to where she's indistinguishable from the real thing.

These abilities lend themselves to infiltration and disruption, which is what she's done. She's made her way into the Millennial Institute for Social Sciences and taken on the likeness of different people.

So, that's the backdrop to the scene. On we go.

MISS Lead Shows One Of Her Abilities

Lead clocks Match_Lead close up.png
There are three different MISS characters in this particular drawing, the first being MISS Lead. MISS Lead, at this point, has the ability to transform parts or all of her body into lead, and she can also sense and manipulate lead wherever it might exist. In this scene, she demonstrates one of the newest abilities she has, creating and then propelling lead as a weapon.

So, in the image above, we see her crying out, "Imposter!" as she shoots something from her clinched fists. More on that in a moment.

MISS Fire Sees It All

Lead clocks Match_Fire close up.png
MISS Fire is the second person in this scene. Thanks to the crop, you can't really tell what she's doing, but by her words, you can tell she's happy to see someone, in this case, MISS Match (aka Park Shihab).

Then, she reacts to what MISS Lead is doing, which is discharging something at someone. MISS Fire doesn't seem very happy about it, and at best, she's confused at why MISS Lead has done this. Under normal circumstances, such an act would be way out of character for MISS Lead, but these aren't normal circumstances.

MISS Match Gets Clocked

Lead clocks Match_Match close up.png
The last MISS character we see is MISS Match, who has the unfortunate problem of being on the business end of MISS Lead's no nonsense approach to fighting villains. In this case, MISS Lead has produced a chunk of lead and hurled it at her, with some painful results.

The Whole Picture

Lead clocks Match.png
So, here is the entire thing at once. MISS Fire is using her flames to propel herself around off the ground, while MISS Lead is shooting a large piece of lead at MISS Match, who is basically knocked unconscious by it.

Or Is It?

Now, I haven't given you much to go on, other than disGuise is running around imitating people at MISS. Just who she's imitating in this scene, though, is still unknown, even though MISS Lead seems to think it's MISS Match.

But is it?

Did Miss Lead just make a mistake, or was she right about who MISS Match really is? Or is MISS Lead actually disGuise, and she's trying to take out TEAM Miss?

For now, I'm going to leave that little mystery unsolved. Speculate all you want. Regardless, greater things are at work here, of which disGuise is only a piece of the puzzle.

Not Quite Finished

Obviously, I started to color this, and then stopped. The drawing was done in pencil and then scanned and made into a file to be colored in Photoshop. I'm not that good at it, so I basically completed MISS Lead and left it at that.

Mostly, I wanted to see what I could come up with, and I wanted to see what a flying chunk of lead would look like. I'm not totally convinced that I like it, at least not in such a form (it looks like a sawed off piece of log), but someone who can draw and has a better imagination could come up with something much better.

Aside from the characters all being hand drawn, the picture is also hand lettered. Lettering used to be one of my favorite things to do. Now, they've got fonts for that, and once you've found the right ones, it's much less time consuming.

That's all I wanted to share. Your support, as always, is greatly appreciated. Thanks for stopping by.

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