Xavier's Broken Promise


Mutants! Humans! Can either one be trusted? That is what we have to figure out in Marauders Annual #1. This is what writer Steve Orlando is wrestling with. The eye-popping colors from Rain Beredo, as well as the artwork contributed by Creees Lee, takes the reader on a journey to new beginnings. And new Marauders!

It appears that Brimstone Love is doing his best impersonation of any politician. Charles Xavier promised equality for mutants and humans. Yet, an island was built that deemed mutants to be gods. However, humans weren't invited to the party. In his own twisted way, Love was using the island of Krakoa to rally a group of people to come together and be on his side. Mutants must have been part of his audience if they believed in these equal rights, as well. Akihiro was captured to right these wrongs supposedly done by Xavier.

Kate Pryde has been a formidable leader of the Marauders, delivering medicine to where the need is the most and saving mutants who weren't able to reach Krakoa. The future success of the Marauders is going to depend on injecting the troops with new blood. Working together, Pryde and Bishop gather Iceman, Psylocke, Daken, Tempo, Aurora, Somnus, Christian Frost, Emma Frost and Sebastian Shaw as one force to carry out their missions and maintain the integrity of the Hellfire Trading Company.

All the excitement with Brimstone Love must be interfering with Iceman and Christian Frost getting some alone time. I am sure that will develop into something more as Marauders #1 is expected to hit the comic book stores in April. We haven't seen the last of Love as he was able to crawl back into a hole in the ground. This story began with a toast and ended with a toast and a new mission that is linked directly to Pride. These new Marauders better not let their guard down.

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