Punk Enters Earth 138

For some reason, the term "punk" is having a comeback in all forms of entertainment. I just recently finished watching "Pistol" on Hulu. which took us through the days of Malcolm McLaren and the Sex Pistols. While many have claimed that "Punk is dead," it is still influencing many areas of entertainment including music, streaming shows, movies and literature. Spending my high school and college days spinning punk rock on my turntable, I am quite ecstatic to see this.

Marvel has taken punk rock into Earth 138 with Cody Ziglar even incorporating a playlist into his stories. The Spider-Band pays tribute to the Ramones as they drive away at the end of Spider-Punk #2 singing "Hey Ho, Let's Go!" Artist Justin Mason even includes musical notes as Spider-Punk does his own variation on the Spider-Man theme song.

Hobie Brown, aka Spider-Punk, had already taken out the POTUS (Norman Osborn) with his guitar. Now, the punk underground has to deal with Kraven and the Hunters, as well as Taskmaster, whose style looks like something out of the Misfits. While Riri Williams, aka Riot Heart, and Karl Morningdew, aka Captain Anarchy, are fighting alongside Spider-Punk, it isn't until Kamala Khan, aka Ms. Marvel, joins in the fight against Kraven and Taskmaster that some serious ass starts getting kicked.

While the artwork does have an underground feel, it doesn't totally reach the level of the punk fanzines. Though, the cartoonish feel does work for punks that are heroes. Taskmaster does make the typical villain mistake by informing his prey about the Osborn Blacksites. This is where the story can pick up in future issues as these heroes go "on tour" to locate all of them. It is worth it to pogo down to your local comic book store to check this one out!

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