New Heroes, Old Heroes and One Woman


The best way to describe Captain America / Iron Man #1 is to just look at Veronica Eden's narration box in this issue. On almost the last page, Eden reveals, "I'm not going to lie to you: I don't entirely know what's going on right now." Well after reading the issue, this makes two of us. Now I don't believe that Derek Landy is trying to confuse us with his writing because I am sure this is all just setting up a very promising and interesting story arc. And neither artist Angel Unzueta, color artist Rachelle Rosenberg or letterer VC's Joe Caramagna want to lead the reader into a state of confusion. However, each one of them contribute to the electrifying artwork in the issue.

Let's look at what we do know. Many years ago, Veronica Eden was one of Tony Stark's many conquests, being the playboy that he is. It turns out that back then Veronica attempted to get Tony to look at a business proposal. Usually that doesn't go over too well when you wake up next to the person you are trying to sell an idea to and they don't even remember your name. Stark does offer to get her an interview with S.H.I.E.L.D. by recommending her.

Switching to present time, we find Ms. Eden being convicted in court of acts of terrorism against S.H.I.E.L.D. and the U.S. government by working with Hydra. As Eden is being transported to prison, Fifty-One (one of the alien entities trained to be part of the Fifty-State Initiative) initiates her rescue. Iron Man and Captain America end up joining forces to try to stop Eden going forward with her plan. By the way, it appears that she was able to put together a small army to aid her with whatever her plans are.

Also going after Fifty-One are The Paladins. They have originated from the Fifty-State Initiative, but don't follow government rules. Members of this group include Pioneer, Vox, Prima Donna and Think Tank. Of course, a battle ensues which allow Eden and Fifty-One to escape. The mysterious part of this whole scenario is that even though she ordered everyone to be killed, Eden is claiming that her plan is to save the world!

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