Come Troll Me! (Hopefully only on this post...)

I'm Looking For a Few Good Trolls!

Want to indulge your inner troll for a good cause and earn some upvotes in the process? Hop on into the comments of this post and show me what you got!


photo by Gage Skidmore; licensed under Creative Commons; source

The Natural Question to Ask is "Why?"

Well, I'm working on my comic, "I Thought It Would Be Zombies..." which you can follow the progress of in my blog. It's a post apocalyptic fantasy adventure. In the first issue we'll be encountering a troll, in every sense of the word. This creature will be a troll in the fantastical sense, but also cling to his history as a rabid internet troll as well... spouting all kinds of "troll-isms" as he battles.

I've brainstormed a few ideas but thought this research would best be crowdsourced! You can help me get some dialogue ideas and we can all have some fun in the process.

Ground Rules

Give me your best trolling. Random insults, momma jokes, (I've already decided he'll be a flat earther... if that offends you perhaps I'll get some genuine trolling in my comments!) whatever you can think of! What are some good trolling tactics?

Vulgarity is fine, there'll be some cussin' in this comic... but no need to give me any samples of outright bigotry and such. I may want this guy to really piss off our heroes... but I'll control those statements carefully!


All trolls crave loot. I'm no whale but I'll be voting up great participation and encourage anyone else to do the same. If I directly use or am inspired by a bit of your trolling, you'll also get your Steem handle credited when the pages are posted, as well as in any printed copies that may emerge! There will also be a "goblin" crew, during the battle sequence in question. If you're so inclined, feel free to link to a reference pic or two of yourself if you'd like to inspire a goblin's (or other background character's) look and have a "cameo" appearance in the comic.

So get to it... troll me for a good cause!

-Bryan "the Imp" Imhoff

Follow me @bryan-imhoff and view some of my comics @spottyproduction and reviews @exploreunlimited!
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