'Ewok Fatality' - digital with tutorial

WOW! I was so grateful as to how many people enjoyed my last artwork. I am genuinely happy it resonated with so many people and it has inspired me to do more for you guys. Seriously, even if there was no rewards, the amount of upvotes alone makes me happy that people are enjoying my art and it makes me happy to make you happy!

Check out my last cartoon digital painting here: Michonne

Ewok Fatality.jpg

I start with a quick sketch, not really knowing what I was going to do. I knew I wanted to do an Ewok in a cartoon style. I guess residual thought of my previous Michonne comic made me want it to be a little.... less family friendly 😆
Ewok Fatality 1.jpg

I do more refined sketch over the top of the rough sketch. This is on another layer so I can delete the original sketch afterward. Nice dark lines to suit the comic style.
Ewok Fatality 2.jpg

I delete the original sketch and tighten up the main outline a little bit more. I did this all in black, normally I'd do it in just darker colours, such as a dark brown for the fur etc. but as this was done late at night I was pretty tired n a bit lazy 😊
Ewok Fatality 3.jpg

Here's where I do a bit of a colour scheme. Anyone who follows my blog paintings might know that I am colourblind. I don't say this as an excuse or whatever but it does often make it a tad challenging to pick colours. If you ever see colours that don't really make sense, this is why haha. I paint in the flat base colours like a paint-by-numbers and just fill in the areas.
Ewok Fatality 4.jpg

Adding a little bit more, I'll paint in some more details with usually just 3 shades of the same colour. Such as a light, mid and dark brown for the fur to emphasis the highlights and shadows. I don't paint too many details cos I want it to stay cartoony and also cos I'm fairly new to painting cartoons so I have a lot to still learn.
Ewok Fatality 5.jpg

Finally, I put in a light blue background with the trees and treehouses keeping it relevant and a tribute to the Ewok world. I normally try to keep this subtle to not overpower the main image in any way. Sign off and sit back and pick all my faults out and try to fight off any self-doubt while I think about the next image I wish to create 😊
Ewok Fatality.jpg

All done! If you enjoyed this painting and tutorial I would genuinely appreciate if you'd like to follow or have any constructive advice for me put it in the comments.

Now the hard part, who next? Leave a comment below.
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