Page 05 Finishied... Slowly but Surely (while listening to DONALD TRUMP talkin in 1998 - BBC HARDtalk)

“I believe strongly in getting even, ...i believe in an eye for an eye.“
Donald Trump

I know from the Screenwriting book (John Truby - Anatomy of a story) that the Antagonist attacks
the Heroes weak spot.
And while i was listing to Music my playlist switched to an Interview with Donald Trump
in 1998 on BBC HARDtalk... so I listened while drawing.

I really understood trump, a kid who grew up with a hard father, and tryed it the hard way.
I wanted to give the cop a Suspicous look, and I googled it, so i got Homer Simpson, Ned Flanders,
and Philip J FRY.... and Donald Trump... so I put him into the Cops uniform, since he will
state his world viel on the next page, and compete as an antagonist with the soul of the protagonist
(everybody states his view in a story on how to deal with life...)


I envisioned a Sly as Judge Dredd, but this cop also looks a little like Ethan Van Sciver which I do like.
Kinda Funny^^)

I wanted to draw the books at the heroes feet, but than it turned out it would look cooler to draw the cops pants and feet.


I pretty happy how the panels tourned out, and how the cop turnes his head.


Next page! I am fired up! Good Story and layouts are key, take your time before you put it all down,
but if you feel like it, do it!

But if you are not satisfied, go back to the workshop and thumbnail, and sketch
and plan how the Story is going to work. It can be learned.
Check out the Channel "Lessons from a screenplay" and get the Book "Anatomy of Story by John Truby".
And start!

Check out the Trump Interview, it'S very interessting!

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