My Most powerful Comic Character so far

So I was working on this female superhero and decided I'd make wear the Nigerian colors and be badass af. Since today is our independence day :)

Queen Dinma (not a title)


Reaility warping : limited to only here molecules and a short space around her

Plasma kinesis: (Artificial)


Almost always Freezes up at the size of 5yo and below girls. This is because she lost her daughter who would have been 5 in terms current time.


She passes out after extended time frames of reaility warping.


The Bending, an event that happens in the universe rarely but randomly, it's only observed by reaility warpers, they lose their powers. The universe begins to shift on it's won, since non-warpers minds move with the shift at the same time, they don't notice, it's different for reaility warpers. They observe everything, this has lead to psychosis in mind and sometimes they are even crushed completely by the folds of the universe.

More to come

Happy independence Nigeria

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