Comey or Trump? Truth or Corruption? A Nation Divided. Only We Can Fix It.

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First, let me start by saying that I am not a political analyst, but I am an American woman who cares a lot about the future and now of this country. When looking at problems such as these, that our country seems to be facing every day, I try to see the bigger picture and not get caught in the details. The devil is in the details and that is exactly where we become divided. The rights, the wrongs, the “otherness”, the finger pointing and blaming, the putting our needs above other’s needs. It’s duality and division, not unity. Not the United States of America.

Every time the news comes on at 7, 12 and 5, (which I choose not to watch btw) there's something new, yet something so big it's hidden by the other hot topics, a distraction. It's confusing and discouraging at times to keep it all straight; to stay on top of what is happening; to be active and proactive in all the important areas that need it.

Why does something different scare us so much? Ego. Ego, which involves fear of loss, fear of losing security, power and control over our own lives, fear of looking less than, fear of not being loved for who we are and what we believe. So what, you have some fears, you have some bad feelings, sit with them, and just breathe. Don’t react to them, just witness and breathe.

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In Comey’s testimony yesterday, I was moved by something he said. It spoke to the American united heart to wake up. It shouted for us to be unified, stop taking sides against your American brothers and sisters, stop finger pointing, blaming and being so divided. There is something much bigger at play here, an external force that has succeeded in dividing us. This could be the single most important part of his testimony:


"The reason this is such a big deal is, we have this big messy wonderful country where we fight with each other all the time. But nobody tells us what to think, what to fight about, what to vote for except other Americans. And that’s wonderful and often painful.

But we’re talking about a foreign government that, using technical intrusion and lots of other methods, tried to shape the way we think, we vote, we act.

That is a big deal. And people need to recognize it. It’s not about Republicans or Democrats. They’re coming after America, which I hope we all love equally. They want to undermine our credibility in the face of the world. They think that this great experiment of ours is a threat to them. So they’re going to try to run it down and dirty it up as much as possible.

That’s what this is about, and they will be back. Because we remain — as difficult as we can be with each other, we remain that shining city on the hill. And they don’t like it."

We are the different other’s to the rest of the world. We are a messy collective of every nation and we are built on embracing diversity and freedom to choose our lives in whatever our definition of life, liberty and happiness looks like. We scare other countries because we allow all religions, all colors, all beliefs and expressions of self to be allowed. We are a FREE country. We are a delicious soup with flavors like no other. We are passionate, feisty, independent, strong, willful, allowing, innovative and progressive with science, accepting and compassionate. That is what makes us beautiful. That is what makes this country great and an advancing, progressing first world country.

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We are also easily distracted by sensationalism in the news and politics. What we are fed often is fear and separateness. Because even the powers that be know that what you focus on grows. Your thoughts create your reality. Now that might sound like some hippy-dippy philosophy, but think about it. When you are sick or injured, when you tell yourself how hurt you are, how much it hurts and how much you are suffering, it gets worse or doesn’t go away. When you tell yourself that you are fine and you are not going to get sick, you get better. But see, being sick isn’t the problem, it’s how you respond to it.

We as a nation need to stop being fooled and guided by what the media or politicians say. We are independent individuals and we need to take our freedom of choice back and make our own decisions about how we think, how we respond to situations and how we feel about another race or religion.

So how can we come together as a nation? Remove details and specifics. See only shared values in the other and you will find more in common with those different than you than you could have imagined.

You see, we all want the same things. We all want good jobs and income, security for our families, good schools, healthy food, freedom to choose, freedom to relax in our own home, a future for our children, a nest egg for when we are sick or dying. We are all seeking the same values.

So when you see that distant relative or old high school friend ranting on Facebook about politics, finger pointing, blaming and making right and wrong statements just listen, ask questions and don’t react to what they say. Refrain from ad hominem attacks. And don’t be fooled by posts that use dishonest debate tactics such as red herrings, argument from authority, appealing to ignorance, begging the question, or special pleading. These are meant to confused and divide.

Simply find out what their values are and you will see they want the same as you. Have compassion for their needs and honor that because that is what you would want and do want. Use conscious communication tactics that will support listening, allowing and understanding. Learn how to use non-violent communication. Marshall Rosenberg’s book on Non-Violent Communication has figured out how to do just that. We need less violence in this world, less division.


If we are ever to fix all of the problems this country and the world is facing, we have to start listening to each other. If you believe that the meek and humble shall inherit the earth, than you need to be the first to surrender. Surrender is not defeat. Surrender to being right. Surrender to the idea that just because you believe it to be true, doesn’t make it true. Surrender to the idea that having different people on this planet isn’t going to destroy you. Surrender to love and forgive someone who can't give it back. Surrender to being the first to love and be humble. Listen and seek to understand. Be the first to show that you care, to apologize, to admit mistakes, to give to another. Have compassion for the needs of others as they are the same as yours. We are all one big messy family trying to figure it out while putting on pants as the earth is spinning at 1000 mph.

It’s time to resurrect this country from the divided, lost, confusion we have allowed ourselves to be tricked into becoming. We are one large American community with common-unity and values about our freedoms. Compassion, listening and understanding are the only way we can truly begin to be a happy and mostly harmonious family and turn this country around. We are a strong group of individuals. Time for us to grow and become even stronger from the strength of our hearts and not remain divided in our minds!


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