SILENT LIKES comedy open mic round 20


Have you ever stopped to consider some of the simple things that we enjoy but are embarrassed to admit. Little “pleasures” that give us a tiny subliminal tingle . It could be laughing at another’s misfortune (when we all know they had it coming), or merely a personal mind game.

I try to be courteous when driving. I admit... I’m a fast driver but not one who weaves in and out of lanes, cutting off other drivers, leaving a trail of finger waving victims in his wake. I usually check my navigation for an estimated time of arrival prior to heading out, so I have a pretty good idea of what to expect out there. No need to is what it is, however, that doesn’t stop me from always trying to beat their ETA by a few minutes. It seems to reaffirm something inside me though I’m not sure what.

I also gain satisfaction when, after watching someone driving like he’s on a road course, thinking he’s entitled to any space he chooses,he gets stuck in a lane, and I, along with ten other cars, get to drive by and look at him and wave...bye succa !!!

Does anyone else get a kick out of seeing a crazy driver get pulled over by the cops? Gotta admit...I do.

Yesterday I was getting gasoline and I watched as an inconsiderate woman cut off another lady who had been waiting her turn for the spot behind me. Another spot soon opened up for the lady who had been cut off. She quickly got her gas and was gone. The rude woman ended up getting boxed in behind me, and the car waiting behind her. She was forced to sit and wait while I checked my oil, cleaned my windows, front and back, then ran inside for a snack. The guy at the next pump shared my amusement and the rude woman just sat there fuming. Sorry….NOT

Everyone takes a dump. At some point during the day it becomes inevitable. Although we rarely relate our bathroom experiences, there are little pleasures to be gained.

In my world... the big drop-clean wipe... is tops. You know what I’m talkin’ bring forth an enormous presentation with minimal effort and when you tidy up the pooter, you're rewarded with a one and done clean wipe. Always a pleasant present...The gift that doesn’t keep giving...After a few straight days I feel like all is well in Toilettown. Smooth sailing and all that…(don’t let a mud pie spoil your day).


Sometimes anonymity is bliss.

I would like to nominate @jsplatts and @edprivat to share their comedic wit.

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