Why am I such a Ted Mosby comedy openmic week 41

Did you watch How I Met Your Mother few years back (or for you kids born in 2k...while growing up πŸ€¦πŸΎβ€β™‚) well for those who did I'm Ted Mosby in most stories of my life.

For those who don't know Ted Mosby this should give you a clear picture. I'm that dude who believes in love so bad it's sad. unfortunately I'm in a continent, in a country in a family where non of that shit matters.

Let's start with my continent, the continent of Africa where women will only like you if you are the son of the king.
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Yeah you know how the story goes don't act like you don't know. The son of the king sneezing and all the girls say he is blessed. But I don't give up.

Then my country where girls only love you if you have money. Nigerian girls think about taking care of their families way more than they think about if they love the guy. He could be an abusive cheat with money and that's all they care about, I'm not making general statements here when I say it's the same way with all of themπŸ™„, my mom is different though.
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Then I'd like to welcome you to my family, so loving πŸ™„. So caring πŸ™„. So supportive πŸ™„.
So let's go orderly. My dad say one day when I'm making a call with one of my early loves that the girl I'll end up with is probably in grade 6. Now I'm a freshman in the university I'm not in middle school or worse high school. I'm just starting med school and my dad told me it's ok to be a pedophilic perverter long as I'm in Nigeria
My mom has warned me severally to stop talking to Nigerian girl say;

It's a waste of time, they just want your money, go for a white girl.
Yes my mom wants more half cast in the family ever since my sister brought home her bundle of joy.

The first born: Get money and F these hoes.
Second born: Get money and F these hoes.
Third born: like em but nothing will ever come out.
Fourth born: I don't give a demn.
Fifth born: you gone get feelings stay away.
Sixth born: @belemo we all know his opinion on this subject matter.
Seventh: Ted Mosby
Eight: my younger sister hates every girl I like.

That's my Ted Mosby life that is almost dead due to support.

To support my Ted Mosby life send me sbd, upvote my work, give my account number to rich relatives so me and my current girlfriend can leave this freaking continent...THANK YOU!!!

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