Theres this one comedian i like. // COM week #44?

Im one of those guys that spends his free time watching comedians on youtube. You know... Eddie Murphy 80s stuff, Carlin, Jim Jefferies, Ricky Gervais, the hotel room masturbator Louis C.K.... The regulars everyone likes. Except maybe the girls looking for a break in Hollywood.

But theres this one kid i ran into a while back. He is a youtube creator thats around my age. I can remember him from the time he was 17 and writing silly profane songs on the internets.
Songs that were funny and witty but pretty basic. He wasnt mature enough to take it to another level and he was a shitty singer.
I know a good singer when i see one. ;).

So a few years pass, even a decade. I started getting back pain and i busted a few knees (i served my time). A few gray hairs started appearing on my head... even a few thick black ones in my nostrils. Hate those.
And this kid grown. His head wasnt as large for his body as it used to be. He was still scrawny though. He still is. Shit, ive never heard any non american girl say: "OMG, AMERICAN GUYS ARE SO HOT!!!" Makes sense now that i think about it..
When it does happen, its to a guy that is probably a son of Mexican immigrants. Now you know why Trump wants that wall.

What was i talking about?

Yeah... The comedian i like. His name is Bo Burnham.
Hes one of those guys that are kind of "funny". I was torn about him for a long time. I spend days discussing with myself what comedian is funny and which one isnt, laying in my bed while i wait for Tinder to load up a few more hotties for me to swipe left or right. Good thing i only need one hand to swipe.

I like heavy comedy. The comedy that makes you feel that youre smart for watching it, for liking it. Either edgy and counter-mainstream or "intellectual".

Ofc "intellectual" many times is just a word used in comedy for those things that are fairly obvious, rarely spoken openly about, pointed out by the cynical humorous individuals that get payed to mold the sad reality of life into laughs and giggles for the vapid public in an attempt of getting a few sensible thoughts into their empty fucking heads.

Im getting a bit dark aint i. haha.
But its true isnt it. Such a smart boy i am, telling others theyre dumb.

But really... Everyones stupid. Vote Bamama 2020.

I lost my self along the way of talking about this kid i wanted to write about in this post. Bo Burnham, right?
Um, yeah.... hes fun. He is pretty modern, often times dark and he tries to provide the audience with a slightly deeper message... And he kind of succeeds, but only on a surface level. Kind of reminds me of someone. Not half as funny but the pink makes up for it.

What i really wanted to say is that:

If everyone thinks youre "deep", you arent. If everyone loves you, youre probably shit.

Maybe i stop there.. Keep something for next week.
A post for the "The fuck is he talking about category."....

Ill see you around and keep on Screaming!

I nominate @belemo and @doomsdaychassis

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