Comedy Open Mic - Upvote Fun: Back in the Day…

We are all getting older. There is nothing that will stop it. Decay and rot… that is the future. Still, most of you will have kids, and your kids will have kids. If you hold on long enough, those grandkids will sit on your lap and ask “Grandpa/Grandma, what was Steemit like when you were young?”

And you will get a misty look in your eye and say:

“Back in the day, NSFW meant Not Safe For Wafricans.”


Or, “back in the day, Banfield wasn’t yet a reference for a loose bowel movement.”


Or, “back in the day, reward pool rape was a decent first date.”


Okay, Okay, we're not very good at these. Let's see you do better. Have fun. Thank you.

To get this massive upvote love, make a 'back in the day' joke in the comment section.

Please upvote, resteem, follow, stalk, donate, poop, incentivise, comment, engage, build, create, laugh, live, smoke, drink and enjoy yourselves. You deserve it and the upvotes, you and your friends all deserve upvotes.

Yet another magic post inspired by @acolucky

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