There are few things more annoying and subtly hurtful than being ignored, but with the full-scale intrusion of social media into all things personal in our lives, the hurt can go so much deeper.

For some reason, there is a growing convention in modern relationships that goes like this: instead of telling someone you don’t want them, it’s easier just to ignore them. It’s horrible when it’s someone you love, but it’s almost just as bad when it’s a friend.

But here’s where things get worse. You’re texting someone and you ask them a question. It could be a simple question or it could be an important conclusion to the arduous task of making plans; but whatever it is, they stop responding. So, while you wait for a response, you click over to one of your other apps (Facebook, Twitter, or the like) and what do you see?!?! A brand new post from the person who’s ghosting you.

Seriously? You’re ghosting me and on the same device you’re posting some bullshit article about cats, or goat yoga or the most recent idiotic thing Trump just said?

The worst part is that you can’t do shit about it. If you comment something sarcastic, you come off as a stalker. If you text them your frustration, you come off as a needy shit. And you can’t bitch about it to your friends because… well, you come off as a whiny bitch.

So, I say, let’s stop this crappy shit. Let’s treat each other better. Respond to text messages. Tell the truth. Dump people you don’t like, and for god sake, if you’re gonna ghost someone, have the decency to wait a bit before you post some stupid ass shit.

Or am I just a whiny, needy, stalker-y shit?

You tell me.

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