Stupid Questions 114

American actress Sammi Hanratty, “The Bullwinkle” and the “The Canine Special” are not mentioned much in this edition of the series . . . nothing more here than stupid questions. Here is perhaps the last bunch, guys and dolls:

Why don’t a lot of Americans eat escargot? (They prefer fast food.)

Why are California liberals/Democrats moving to Texas? Are they not happy with how their own party is performing here in California? Are they not happy with the current conditions in which their party has left the state?

we-need-illegal-immigrants-to-do-jobs-americans-wont-like-what-vote-democrat.jpgWhat part of the word “illegal” do some of you guys STILL not get? (In Espanol: Que parte “ilegal” no lo entiendes?)

You play with me at night before going to sleep. You can’t get caught fiddling with me at work. You only let a select few people touch me. What am I? (Your phone.)

bff-costumes-1-1564438412.pngWhy did the girl burger go to the gym? (She wanted nicer buns.)

Did you ever find yourself shouting: “Use TWO hands, you cnt, and maybe you could get the fck out of my way!” when driving behind someone who react too slowly?

Would you even care if I failed to include pictures of lesbians here?

Why is the end of a vacation like a tick? (Because they both suck.)

beautiful-girls-taco-bell-costumes-for-halloween.jpgBrian K. inspired this one: Is it true, we still have the electoral college because Americans voted Taco Bell the best Mexican restaurant in the USA?

Are you tired of these stupid questions yet? (Could be since this just might be the final edition of the series.)

“Which Side Are You On?” (Of the bed? Or what?.)

“Where Are You, Little Star?” (No joke here.)

“Do You Believe In Magic?” (Because I’ve got something I’d like you to make disappear for a few minutes. . . at least . . .)

(All images/videos are courtesy of original owners)

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