---- Straya!!! - Servo Robbed With Boomerang ----


If you have ever had a chat with me on air or in the chat space you will know that i try and dispel any misconceptions we may have regarding life in Australia. Yeah its true, we dont ride kangaroos to work, drop bears aren't real and not every ozzy likes Vegemite... im sorry if that is a harsh reality for some of you to take in, lol.

However, every now and again we have a incident which fortifies the stereotype, and while it is quite often just a outlier, these incidents are unique and specific enough to make an impression long term.

So when I see a news report about a man in Australia robbing a service station with a boomerang it just makes me laugh so hard knowing that as some point, some where in the future im going to have to tell people that not every Australian knows how to use a boomerang with enough precision to be able to hold up a joint, lol.

Let alone the fact that a boomerang isnt a great weapon to be wielding in a robbery attempt, but i guess we can let that one slide a bit... i mean we are just a bunch of convicts out here aren't we ;)

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