Zen and the Cube - Sunday Funday with a Dash of Philosophy


It must be admitted...there's a LOT going on in this cartoon!

Yeah I know it looks pretty simple on the surface, and when I first saw it...well, it made me laugh, and I hope it elicits the same response from you, dear steemies.

But, and you just knew a 'but' was coming didn't you, it has so much more to say. So shall we dive a little deeper? Oh come on, you know you wanna!

So it seems that our world is designed to keep us scrambled, disjointed, restricted. Quite probably, deliberately designed this way.


We live in our neat little houses square shaped boxes, contained within fences to keep us IN and others OUT!


Our desks at work are cubicles, our computers ringfenced, we drive around in boxes on wheels, like sardines we pack ourselves into tubes, trains, planes and buses and restrict our physical selves within the 4 sided walls of every building we encounter. As this 4 minute short film by Steve Cutts so graphically illustrates..

And we think, we imagine, we beLIEve we are free!! Oh the irony.

And if the external manifestations of our constricted lifestyles are not restrictive enough, inside our own heads, skulls and minds we are guilty of compartmentalising ourselves, our own consciousness!


Heck we even categorise our minds into subsections, ego v higher self, subconscious v conscious, right v left brain functions, neutral witness v interpretive self, inner Mum and Dad (yes, those voices of your parental programming when you were but a sponge soaking up everything that was spoon fed to you) memory cells, inner male v inner female, and we even have shrinks to pick apart the filing systems! No wonder our minds scramble, scatter and succumb so easily to dis-orders!


But there is a way out of the rat trap, free from this neurological maze. All spiritual practices to one extent or other, advocate mind mastery, and many provide active protocols that teach us how to calm the mental processes, how to detach from them, to be still in the storms and ride the tiger of ones inner thought tides!


So can we can become smooth and Zen like amid the hurricanes of whirling mental processing? Just pick a meditation method you like or resonate with, and with persistence and practice we too, can crack the Rubric, colour ourselves harmonious and ordered, and step free from the box, into the boundlessness of pure consciousness.

There is even a calculation for that!


And for all the non mathematicians...that includes me by the way...allow me to translate that;

Critical Thinking plus Original lateral Thinking plus direct Cognitive Knowing equals Genius to the power of Consciousness. Yes, I made that up, and if you have any questions...see me after this post! 😊

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