Mi primera novia.

Hola, después de tiempo vuelvo a publicar, esta vez un adelanto de mi libro que espero, pronto sea publicado:
Mi primera enamorada era extraña cómo yo, se maquillaba con tonos densos y me miraba los ojos sonriendome, a veces me apretaba los cachetes, y me besaba pintando mis labios con su color, pardos era el color de sus ojos y el color de su piel era mi adoración, nunca olvidaré la primera vez que la vi, era como luz, me la presento un amigo del barrio, en esa época teniamos un club y nos reuniamos en casas diferentes, esa vez toco la fiesta en casa de rocotito en Lince, me percaté que se me quedo mirando al inclinar su vaso de cerveza a su boca, mi amigo se acercó y me dijo al oído que mi enamorada me quería conocer ya que es rockera cómo tú, bueno me acerque a ella para computarla, me dijo que le fascinaba mi peinado y yo le dije que me gustaba su manera de vestir tan extraordinaria, recuerdo que cómo imanes nos atraimos y nuestra conversación fue tan interesante que nuestros ojos brillaban. También bailamos y nos tomamos de la mano, el domingo fui a su casa, ella estaba sola, me invito a sentarme en el sofá, ahí bajo la tenue luz del candelabro nos dimos nuestro primer beso en los labios, ha pasado tanto tiempo, pero aun hay cierto sabor a ella en mi alma ...
©Parque de los columpios— Martín Melancox .

Hello, after time I'll post again, this time a preview of my book that I hope will soon be published:
My first love was strange how I, makeup with dense tones and looked at my eyes smiling, sometimes squeezed my cheeks, and kissed me painting my lips with his color, brown was the color of his eyes and the color of his skin It was my adoration, I will never forget the first time I saw her, it was like light, I was introduced to her by a friend from the neighborhood, at that time we had a club and we met in different houses, this time I played the party at Roce's house in Lince, I realized that I was looking at him as he inclined his beer glass to his mouth, my friend came up and whispered in my ear that my girlfriend wanted to meet me because it is rocker how you, well I approached her to compute it, she told me that I was fascinated by my hairstyle and I told him that I liked his way of dressing so extraordinary, I remember how we attracted magnets and our conversation was so interesting that our eyes shone. We also danced and held hands, on Sunday I went home, she was alone, she invited me to sit on the sofa, there under the dim light of the chandelier we gave our first kiss on the lips, it has been so long, but There is still a certain flavor to it in my soul ...
©Parque de los columpios— Martín Melancox

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