A rant about bullying in schools.

So I've been meaning to make something about this for a while, and I felt that this platform was the perfect place for it.

In school, I was bullied. Now I'm not looking for a pity party, but instead, I'm looking to make a small case. I was bullied in school, shoved into a locker or two, and was given a swirlie once. I hold no grudges against those people because it takes too much effort to hold a grudge.

Now, I didn't just deal with it, I didn't just accept it as my fate like, "I guess this is how its gonna be everyday." I told someone when something was going on. It was then taken care of. If I felt like my teacher didn't care, I went to the principal, who then got the job done, and then gave that teacher a talking to.

I never told on stupid stuff like getting called names and petty stuff, only when it got physical. The end. I moved on with my life.

But in some cases, kids don't tell anyone, they continued to get bullied, and sometimes some bad things can go down. And here are some things that I have problems with.

  1. Teachers say: "Well, if they don't say anything, I can't help them."
    --- I sort of agree. There won't always be someone around to fight the kids battles; however, if said kid is getting robbed and beat up, that is the sorta thing where a teacher needs to stand up and do something.

  2. Teachers don't believe that there is actually a problem, even if they see it happen.
    --- Why would you not stop it if you see it? This is how kids start to think no one cares or believes them, and then they go and do something stupid.

  3. They punish a kid for defending himself in a fight.
    --- Do I even need to say why this idea is actually stupid. "Nah Billy, next time just get punched in the face over and over. You should have told a teacher." Actually dumb.

Now I don't believe in kids getting babied, but I also don't believe in kids getting thrown into the wolves either. When we are young, its like a tutorial for life. You can't skip it without having a super hard time, and you cant make any progress if you stay on it.

If you get called names, move on, they are just words. If people that you hang out with are dicks, stop hanging out with them. This also doesn't apply to just school kids either, I mean everywhere, this applies.

I don't know. I guess I wanted to get this off my mind. If you guys want to share your thoughts go ahead and do so in the comments. I'm cool with debates even, just don't start getting butthurt and having a comments war.

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