Perbedaan itu Menyatukan/The Difference Unites

Dear steemian friends
(peace be with you)


Imam Syafi'i once advised:

"Do not try to be a winner in any difference of opinion..
Sometimes, grabbing someone else's heart is more important than winning over it ..

Nor do you destroy the bridge you have built and you pass over it repeatedly, for it may be, one day you will need it again .. "

"Try in this life so that you always hate the wrong person's behavior, but do not you ever hate the person who made that mistake.

You should be angry when you see disobedience, but be dilapang dadalah and guide the perpetrators of disobedience ..

You may criticize different opinions, but still respect others who differ.

Because our duty in this life is to eliminate the disease, and not to kill the sick. "

So if anyone comes to apologize to you, then immediately forgive ...

If any one is saddened by grief, then listen to his complaint ...

When a needy person comes, fill his needs according to what God gives you.

When a person comes to you, thank him for the advice he gave you.

Even if one day you only reap the thorns, still you to always plant flowers.

For indeed the reply promised by God the Merciful is more generous than any reward which can be given by man .. "

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