Color Challenge - Friday: Blue - My trip to the aquarium.

Sea Life is the World's largest aquarium brand. Centers are packed full of Marine wildlife, providing factual information and tirelessly campaigning against marine issues, such as sea turtle conservation. We visit these gorgeous aquariums at least once per month.

Sea Anemone:


A close relative of both the Jelly Fish and Coral, Sea Anemone spend most of their life attached to rocks or Coral. When an unsuspecting fish passes by, the tentacles emit a paralyzing toxin. The anemone then uses it's tentacles to guide the fish into its mouth. Fish, such as the clown fish live in harmony with certain species of sea anemone. They have a mucus which covers their body which protects them from the sea anemone toxin. The Clown fish uses the sea anemone for protection from predators, as most predators of the clown fish are not so lucky when it comes to protection from the sea anemone


Sting Ray:


Sting Ray are a curious and friendly animal, closely related to the shark. The largest sting ray measured in at a whopping 790lbs. Their tails are a strong spine which contains venom. Human deaths have been linked to the sting ray spine, including the unfortunate death of Australian TV show host and animal conservationist Steve Irwin. However sting ray generally do not attack aggressively. When threatened their immediate reaction is to swim away. If attacked, the tail whips up. Sting rays are generally friendly creatures, inquisitive by nature.


I hope you liked our little trip to the aquarium for Friday's 'blue' color challenge. No trip to the aquarium would be complete without a close encounter with a gorgeous shark...


Or 'finding' Dory and her friends...

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