Colour Challenge Friday Blue and Legend of Thunderlord the Almighty, Part 2.

Our cat has acne. True story. Google it if you don't believe me. He had it on his chin for a few months earlier this year and we thought we had it under control.

We have spent months taking him to the vets and he's had multiple shots of antibiotics and steroids, not to mention all of the magic potions we have been given to put on his cute little smooshy face.

In the end, we had to resort to making him wear a Cone of Shame so that he couldn't scratch the offending area and make it worse.


Thunderlord the Almighty is very much an outdoor cat and while he was forced to wear the cone, we couldn't let him outside as the cone impacts his peripheral vision and would make it unsafe for him to be near roads.

This made him incredibly depressed and for a month, we had sad cat in various poses of sadness throughout the house.

He was trying (very successfully) to emotionally blackmail me into taking off the cone in this one. Eventually I did relent and took the cone off so that he could spend some time outside. He disappeared for three days and we couldn't medicate him during that time. Dave was pretty angry with me!

When he did return, he refused to make eye contact with me and would sit with his back to me whenever we were in the same room together.

And sometimes he would come for Snuggles and try to emotionally blackmail me with his dragon eyes to take off the cone.

We thought the issue had cleared up but sadly, while we were on holiday, the acne appears to have returned. I'm blaming John who looked after the cats.


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