Wednesday Yellow #colorchallenge And Updates About Hubby


This is the sign for the pizza place we ate at the Farmers Market in downtown Indy some time ago and it is my contribution to @kalemandra color challenge.

What I didn't realize when I told you it was -2° F here yesterday morning, was that the windchill was -22° F. Can we say, "Burr"! I thought I was going to freeze while cleaning off the car and I had on all of my winter gear.

Poor Hubby was moving slow but we made it to the Dr on time. The Dr gave him more medicine, a shot in the butt and had me schedule another shot in the rear for Thursday afternoon.

I'm glad she's not playing about getting Hubby over this pneumonia because I'm not either. The Dr also grounded Jon from work for at least the rest of the week. :D

I obviously know it's Wednesday but today feels like Monday to me. I guess it's because I am going back to work. That doesn't even make sense because I do not work every Monday. But it feels how it feels. lol

Hubby won't be totally on his own tomorrow. My son is off work with an injured back. (He's going to be okay, it's just a pulled muscle.) Between the two of them, I am sure they will manage until I get home around 3:00 PM.

I suspect Hubby feels a tiny bit better. He has not been eating unless I push it on him. Even then, he really has not eaten. Tonight he asked if we had any chips.

Yes, you heard it here folks, the man wanted chips. I mean, I would have preferred he wanted something healthy but I was glad to see him want food or something food like at all. :)

I'll consider it a win and take it. However, I best take it on my way to work because its nearly time to go. I hope you all have a wonderful day and I will make my way around to see you guys this evening.

Photographs owned by @debralee and were taken with my iPhone SE

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