The pressure is on...

I went into a meeting today with one of my advisers from college thinking I knew exactly what I wanted to do in life. As I was sitting there talking to my advisers I realized how confused I was on what I really wanted in life. Do I want a big salary? Do I want to make a huge difference? Do I want to do something I am super passionate about? All off these things crossed my mind when in reality I probably should already have this figured out. Now I am even more stressed than I was before with college...I guess I just need to figure out what I really want. I feel like this is a problem for a lot of college students universally. The pressure is always on to find a good job, but what if what I am good at isn't considered a good job? Does that mean I get a "good job" that I hate and be miserable for the rest of my life? I don't know. The pressure is definitely on. These were just my thoughts today.

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