Why I quit my college

Hi! MY dear friends. This is my first ever blog on this platform. It's been almost three months since I got registered here. I was not enough confident to write something here. My draft is full of incomplete topics. I decide daily to write something here and publish it on this platform. Till now I was just reading articles from other people that come into my feed. But today I gathered the courage from all the angles of my mind to post something finally, I am going to publish my first article. I am expecting some courageous comments from you guys. I am hoping to be motivated by you all. Thanks in Advance.
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Moreover, I have seen and have read the articles from other people, I see them greeting their sponsors. I don't know what sponsor means actually. But I will invite the senior bloggers here to be my sponsors. I would feel love to welcome you as my sponsors. Please guide and support me as I am a new user. I know the first responsibility of teaching me about this platform is off my up liner. But I am an affiliate of a Facebook friend and his id is disabled now and I cannot find him anymore, Io I am expecting your kind support. Thanks.
My Brief Introduction.
My fictional name is Profound Dark (I am shy in revealing my real identity II I will put a fictional name here), and I’m years old. I live in a countryside area where schools and colleges are far from us. We are three siblings and I'm the youngest among them. We are a very simple and very small family living a very simple life. One of my brothers is a policeman another one is sitting at the home after graduation. He is unemployed yet.
Who Got Me Here
I was introduced to this platform with the help of my elder (Unemployed) brother. I heard this site name long ago when he used to write articles here and he told me that an automatic algorithm gives other people tips who do good work here to who those write standard articles here. I was about to get into writing articles as well but then my brother couldn't make I also Lost my interest and my Will to keep it up.
So today I'm writing my first article, it's about how I joined college instead of the university and why I left after all. Now my brother is sitting right beside me and telling me about all the tools and stuff. I hope you all will like this article which I'm writing right now.

Why I could not Continue My College Education?
I just recently passed my intermediate with good grades and I have been admitted to bacbachelor’sespite studying in mediocre institutes my education career havens great.
Announcement of Intermediate result.
Alright, so after taking my exams of intermediate I waited almost for months for the result and it finally came out and I scored 72% marks in my FSC grades. I was quite disappointed because it was unexpected for me to get so low marks even though my exams didn't go so bad, unlike my result. In my matriculation exams, I achieved a total of 1005/1100 marks (almost 91+). So having 72% marks was a figure of a disappointment for me.
Well accepted this result after many days of declaration of the result, I was first out of mind to see such low marks. All this happened just because COVID19 affected the whole education system in Pakistan.
After that, I started applying to different universities but all of them either had high merit, I got late in taking admission in some of them or they were expensive and unfortunately, I couldn't take admission anywhere at that moment.
Thorough Auldd has taken admitted to a nearby university but due to some reason, document issue if I say precisely I couldn't make it through to that either.
Now I had only two choices left.
• I was supposed to take admitted to a private college or
• Wait until next year when new admission could open.
And I decided to go to a private college.
Which was not a good decision LOL.
After taking admission into a private college I couldn't get settled in that environment.

  1. Firstly: the track was very uncomfortable and unusual if I say in simple words, this was a route where there was no public transport working on, we only could go there through our private vehicle.
  2. Secondly, the teacher’s staff and the management staff e, especially the principal was not good and the institution was so poor that I had to drop out of college eventually.
  3. Thirdly: It was their first Bach for college education, so I have a double about acquiring the degree after completing my education there. Because I have many examples to tell you when about different private education institutes started their systems and shut them down and ran away. And in this way, they destroyed the Time and Money of the poor students.
  4. Building: The building of the college was so unpleasant. It had a very small size, and the colors were also awkward. And it was still under construction.
    Finally, I have to leave college for good. And now I am sitting in my home for three months and do not have anything to do these days, except wait for the new admission to universities.

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The lesson I have learned here is. Think a hundred times before taking a serious decision. Don't go behind a feeling of FOMO (Fear of Missing Opportunity). Nothing is going to be missed, take time in your decisions. The most important thing is to take suggestions from a wise person while taking a decision. If a wise person is not around you, take suggestions from a few persons around you, they could have a solution to your problem. BBC is conscious of self-acting as an educational institute to study.
Thanks for Reading!!!

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