Stardate 7.26.18 Art for @everlove's Collaborative Art Journey

@everlove hosts the best art game on the STEEM Blockchain, the Collaborative Art Journey! 

She invites one and all to art all over a piece she provides, using whatever mediums you like best to make a unique masterpiece.

I like to play with @everlove, and I like to art, so I hereby enter this arting for her 38th Collaborative Art Journey!

I call it Drops of Matter Master Blaster:

I took her original image "DROPS OF MATTER":

and manipulated it on my iPhone until I produced a new image no one has ever seen before. 

Quite the transformation, eh??? Watching the journey unfold is one of the greatest things about collaborating on art. 

Thanks for the inspiration @everlove

💛 Sara! 

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