Bedtime reflections

While the orangutans in Indonesia are comfortably asleep in their cosy nests, I’m sitting in my flat in Europe and also slowly preparing for my bedtime. The environments couldn’t be more different. While temperatures in the Indonesian forest are not dropping below 23 degrees, there is a much different story outside of my protecting walls right now. Due to a special weather phenomenon, very cold air from the very north of our earth gets blown south, which leads to freezing temperatures here in Europe, currently about minus 9 degrees with strong winds.
My day starts tomorrow at 4.15 a.m. and I have to bicycle my way though the city to my new part-time job. The cold will freeze my balls off and leave frozen skin, which is as bad as burned skin…if I don’t protect it…. After that, I go to class for my teacher diploma course. In the evening I’ll finish packing my stuff, because tomorrow I’ll move to another flat... A lot of things come together right now, but I’m looking forward to the new challenges in my life. I’m just happy I’m on the road to becoming a biology teacher and not stuck in an office job anymore.
I remember, back in the forest, the days were equally challenging. Getting up at 3:30 a.m., eat a full portion of rice, hike over one sweaty hour through the pitch-dark jungle until we found the nest of the orangutans and then follow them until it got dark and then hike back…good times.

Lets create good times again. Lets go...tomorrow...Goodnight

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