[My Crypto Japan] 라인 LINE Financial주식회사 설립으로 가상화폐분야본격진출, 新会社「LINE Financial株式会社」設立, LINE Establishes New Company “LINE Financial Corporation”




今日は非常に大きなPress Releaseの案件がありました。@rt395 さんから一報いただきました。ありがとうございました。Bloombergも一早くこの内容を報道しており今後LINEが仮想通貨業界でもかなり大きなインパクトを与えると思います。


ますます日本のブロックチェイン技術やサービス、市場が世界で与える影響は大きくなるには違いありません。新会社「LINE Financial株式会社」は仮想通貨事業関連に関しては、既に金融庁への仮想通貨交換業者登録のための手続きを開始しており、審査中でありますので許可が下りたら本当に楽しみですね。


[LINE Pay]に続き、保険、ローン、仮想通貨(暗号通貨)などの金融事業領域をさらに強化


LINE株式会社(所在地:東京都新宿区、代表取締役社長:出澤剛、以下LINE)は、コミュニケーションアプリ「LINE(ライン)」上で展開するモバイル送金・決済サービス「LINE Pay」に続き、金融事業領域をさらに強化すべく、新会社「LINE Financial株式会社」を設立いたしましたので、お知らせいたします。LINEでは、昨年、「LINE Pay」の全世界での年間取引高が4,500億円を突破、登録ユーザー数も4,000万人を達成するなど、大きく拡大をしました。このような流れの中、さらに革新的な金融サービスの構築・提供をすべく、今回の新会社設立の運びとなりました。今後、本新会社をベースとし、「LINE」上で仮想通貨交換や取引所、ローン、保険といった、様々な金融関連のサービスを提供する準備を進めており、さらなる金融事業の拡大を行ってまいります。また、LINEがこれまでに培ってきた日々のメッセージを扱う高いレベルのセキュリティに加え、ブロックチェーン技術などの研究開発を積極的に推進し、ユーザーにとって便利で、安全な金融サービスの提供を目指してまいります。そして、この分野に精通した技術者や関連人材の採用も積極的に行っております。

LINEでは、「LINE Pay」事業に加え、「LINE Financial株式会社」での事業を通じ、金融事業領域をさらに強化し、引き続き人とお金・サービスの距離を近づけてまいります。将来のキャッシュレス・ウォレットレス社会を見据え、フィンテックの世界をリードする存在になることを目指します。なお、仮想通貨事業関連に関しては、既に金融庁への仮想通貨交換業者登録のための手続きを開始しており、審査中です。


안녕하세요. 여러분 오늘도 발빠르게 한국의 그 어떤 미디어보다 빨리 가상화폐소식을 전달하기 위해서 노력하는 @steemitjp입니다. 오늘 제 지인 @rt395의 연락을 받고 바로 확인후에 긴급으로 속보를 전달해 드립니다. 아시다시피 지금은 회사에서 업무를 하는 시간이라 실시간으로 가상화폐 소식을 체크하기란 쉬운일이 아닌데요.

몇몇 투자가들과 지인들이 밤낮할 것 없이 민감한 소식을 Discord를 이용해서 보내주다 보니 바로 알게 되었습니다. 사실 바로 속보부터 전하고 자세한 사항은 차후 전해드려도 되는데 가상화페업계에 도움이 되는 소식이고 긴급을 다투는 문제사항이 아니라서 정리해서 포스팅하게 되었습니다.

본론으로 들어가면 ....

라인이 라인페이에 이어 라인 파이낸셜 주식회사를 설립해서 금융사업영역을 강화한다는 발표였습니다. 라인의 경우 라인페이도 성공을 하며 더욱더 생활속에 밀접한 핀테크기업으로 성장을 하고 있는데요..이번 라인파이낸셜 설립에 따라 가상화폐분야에도 적극진출하는 것으로 발표되었습니다.

라인파이낸셜주식회사 이미 일본 금융청에 가상화폐교환업등록 신청후 심사중(회사설립: 1월10일)

라인이 독자적인 블록체인기술을 사용할지 넴, 리플과 같은 다른 블록체인기술을 사용할지 아직 명확히 보도된사항은 없지만 블록체인기술을 이용한 개인간 가상화폐거래업을 하기위해서는 일본에서의 등록업 승인이 필수입니다. 이에 이미 회사설립후 발빠른 움직임을 보이고 있는 것으로 이전 텔레그램의 TON처럼 라인도 별도 대표적인 가상화폐발행과 함께 본격적인 가상화폐사업에 진출하는 것으로 판단됩니다.

역시 라인..발빠른 움직임이 향후 어떻게 서비스로 발전할지 기대되며 가상화폐업계에 굵직한 Positive요소가 될 것으로 믿어 의심치 않습니다.


This morning I heard from @rt395 with Great Positive news related to cryptocurrency beaking news in Japan. That is a announcement from Line which is the most biggest company in the filed of messenger app and payment service in Japan like Telegram. What a wonderful news to Crypto business!!

I think Line is so fast innovation company to adopt with new financial circumstance in the future.

LINE Establishes New Company “LINE Financial Corporation”

From this Press release cited Line official web as below. https://linecorp.com/en/pr/news/en/2018/2024

Following up on “LINE Pay,” the company further reinforces its position in the financial business domain with insurance, loan, virtual currency (cryptocurrency), and more

TOKYO – January 31, 2018 – LINE Corporation (“LINE”) established a new company, LINE Financial Corporation (“LINE Financial”), as a follow-up to LINE Pay – a mobile money transfer and payment service available on the LINE messaging app – in order to further reinforce its position in the financial business domain. Last year, LINE Pay achieved major growth, with its global annual transaction volume exceeding JPY 450 billion and reaching 40 million registered users.
In the midst of this success, LINE has established this new company in order to create and provide an even more revolutionary financial service. Going forward, LINE will use this new company as a base as it proceeds with preparations to provide a variety of financial services, including a place to exchange and transact virtual currencies, loans, and insurance – all from the LINE app – and will continue to grow its financial business. Further, in addition to the high-level of security that LINE has cultivated for use in its day-to-day messages, the company aims to actively promote research and development of technologies such as blockchain and provide a financial service that is convenient and safe to users. LINE is actively engaging in hiring persons who are experts in these technologies and in finance.

In addition to its LINE Pay business, LINE will reinforce its position in the financial business domain through its businesses in LINE Financial Corporation and will continue closing the distance between people, their money, and services. LINE hopes to become a leader in the FinTech industry as the world moves increasingly towards a cashless wallet-less society.With regard to the virtual currency related business, the application process for registration as a virtual currency exchanger has already been started with the Financial Services Agency, and it is currently under review.

  • LINE Financial Corporation Overview
  • Company name: LINE Financial Corporation
  • Representative: Takeshi Idezawa, Representative Director (currently the Representative Director, President, and CEO of LINE Corporation)
  • Directors: Jun Masuda (currently a Director of LINE Corporation)
  • In Joon Hwang (currently a Director of LINE Corporation)
  • Total capitalization: JPY 5,000,000,000
  • Established: January 10, 2018


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