(정보) 관심있는 블록체인 뉴스 180819

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관심있는 블록체인 뉴스를 정리하였습니다.

1. EOS, Ethereum and Komodo are the top 3 coins according to the Chinese Government


The China Centre for Information Industry Development (CCID) has released its fourth 'Crypto project rankings', where the top 3 positions have been taken by EOS, Ethereum and Komodo. Bitcoin is at the 10th position.
CCID began the ranking process in May, where it ranked a total of 28 cryptocurrencies. During the following 3 months, it added two, one and two coins respectively to the listing. The latest ranking that it has released puts EOS and Ethereum in the top two positions.
EOS, Ethereum and Komodo are the top 3 coins according to the Chinese Government-BCFocus
However, the biggest surprise is Komodo rising up to the 3rd position from it’s previous ranking of 10. It is said to be an ambitious project which allows independent blockchain developers to start their own project and put up an ICO. Also, a decentralized exchange is on the cards of the project.

중국전자정보산업발전연구원 (China Centre for Information Industry Development, CCID)이 발표한 제4차 Crypto project ranking을 발표했습니다.
EOS, ETH(Ethereum) 이 지난 3차와 마찬가지로 1, 2위를 차지했습니다. KMD(Komodo)는 10위에서 3위로, BTC(Bitcoin)은 17위에서 10위로 각각 7계단 상승한 순위를 차지했습니다.

STEEM은 9위에 위치하고 있습니다. SMT 런칭하면 더 높은 순위를 기대할 수 있을 것으로 보입니다. ^^

2. NKB Group: Google Tacitly Works on Blockchain Technology Projects


Google has not been an obvious investor in blockchain technology. However, that perception is about to change. NKB Group, a blockchain investment bank, has picked up on an investment watch report by CB Insights that summarizes an appreciable quantity of investments in the blockchain space, showing Google to be the second-largest investor in blockchain technology.
Information from NKB Group sent to Cryptovest via email shows that despite denials from Alphabet—Google’s parent company—that the search giant announced any acquisition of a blockchain company, it had invested in companies like Gyft, Ripple, Blockchain, Buttercoin and Veem.

“Many believe that Google plans to use blockchain in its cloud hosting business. A recent announcement of their partnership with BlockApps, a deployment platform, may also indicate this is the case,” NKB Group wrote.

Indeed, less than a month ago, we saw Google collaborating with Digital Asset to work on a platform for developers that makes it easier for them to deploy and test their blockchain applications.

“We’re partnering with Google Cloud to provide developers with a full stack solution so they can unleash the potential for web-paced innovation in blockchain. This will reduce the technical barriers to DLT application development by delivering our advanced distributed ledger platform and modeling language to Google Cloud,” Digital Asset’s CEO Blythe Masters said in a statement.

NKB Group’s Miroslav Pikus—its senior IT advisor—suggests that Google’s ultimate goal with blockchain technology may be to combat ad fraud.

“Ad fraud is a multi billion-dollar issue that is of major concern among advertisers. The online ad ecosystems have become complex and grey. Blockchain brings the promise of making it more transparent and credible,” he wrote.

Whatever Google’s intentions are, it’s clear that the company is moving in a more blockchain-friendly direction and may incorporate distributed ledgers into its applications as the technology matures. In fact, we wouldn’t be surprised if Google engineers are currently contributing to projects around the world to expedite the process.

블록체인 투자은행인 NKB 그룹이 블록체인 분야 투자를 정리한 CB Insights의 보고서를 통해 구글이 두번째로 큰 투자자임을 보여주었습니다. NKB 그룹의 한 senior IT advisor는 구글이 블록체인을 통해 광고사기를 막는 것이 그들의 최종목표일 것이라고 추측했습니다.
어떻든 구글이 블록체인 기술에 대해 우호적인 방향으로 변해가고 있는 것이 긍정적이네요 ^^

3. TRX(Tron), Blockchain.org 인수 그리고 앞으로의 계획


Blockchain.org will run for TRONSR. Blockchain.org strives to become the Google in the blockchain industry, providing users with one-stop services such as block queries, news browsing, and big data analytics.

트론 Justin Sun이 Bitcoin.org이 블록체인 블록 조회, 뉴스 검색, 빅데이터 분석 등 one-stop 서비스를 제공할 계획으로 블록체인 산업에서 구글이 되는 것을 목표로 한다고 합니다.

즐거운 하루 보내세요 ^^

Designed by @kimtaewoo

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