Precursors to Magic: Divine-Intervention Candidates (feat. Lucky People compilations)

Many years ago I stumbled upon a series of videos called "lucky people compilations" that show cctv recordings of people and how they narrowly escaped dangerous or potentially fatal situations.

The more I watched of these the more the unlikeliness of these situations to eventually turn out benign became apparent - some of them seemd to defy the odds and many of them show physics behave in a way that seems most peculiar, maybe because we don't see things like this happening often. All the more reason to study this a bit more.

Watching people get through the most hair-raising situations and come out the other end unharmed... that has oddly given me more than I would have expected. And the more I watch the more I am tempted to think something else is going on here than sheer luck. Not to infer the concept of some personified god intervening but rather: a peculiar observation about physics considering the likelihoods...


Many people may object to the term "divine intervention"and that is fine by me. After going through hours of these compilations back in the day I simply saw too many recordings of events that really don't plausibly happen on their own and I think the term describes that rather well, some influence acting upon actuality and physicality. What people generally refer to as coincidence seems insufficient to describe how many people in these situations get out alive and what a close call it is but maybe I am just too deep into my current paradigm... Are these people lucky? Certainly yes. Is it all random and happening by purely "physical"coincidental terms - not so sure anymore.


I remember when I first saw these compilations years ago it was the sheer amount of seemingly inescapable situations that presented itself without warning - that made me marvel at the odds. I am still amazed at how these turn out with people unharmed despite frontal car crashes, being torn off their bike by a truck or evading a sports car by mere inches... I remember several where people actually got flung through their windshield after a direct crash with a truck on the middle of a crossroads only to then stand up straight without any wounds, blood or pain.

Now that I am watching these again I notice especially the old people in these videos, they show so little movement and reaction, it's almost as if there was an energetic bubble around them or something of sorts. Just browsing ideas here that seem more likely than utter physical randomness ;)


And while I am certainly not claiming what exactly is going on here I realized that we see these close call recordings way too seldomly and that some clips will leave you with an eerie sense for the situational intelligence that these people's bodies seem to be influenced by. Or you tell me what's going on here ;)

It's like a reflex based remote-controlled steering of the body, bypassing cognition and rational thinking in order to escape a potentially fatal situation unharmed.

I have seen experienced weird physical things like this before

I admit, I would have not readily considered anything but coincidence to go on in these videos had I not already made some experiments with the mind during several psychedelic sessions. The sense for intuition, the underlying energetics of a situation, the pull of attention and awareness as well as the interaction of the field of people can really drastically shift one's perception of the world, our place in it, and its mechanics as well as allow us a way to observe how our behavior is shaped by forces "beyond ourselves", but maybe that's saying a bit much already.


I'm curious: If you have ever gone on a transcendent experience and see these videos now: Do you feel reminded of times when similar things happened to you? When a really close call happened, you were at the right place at the right time and things turned out alright despite the scary circumstances or likelihoods? Or when a situational "coincidence" turned a seemingly fatal situation into an exciting memory of a close call?

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